Erica Synths Pico Trigger
Erica Synths Pico Trigger module provides a master clock for the Pico System and it generates up to 16 step patterns of 4 triggers, simple clock divider patterns, and more advanced polyrhythmic patterns of different step length for triggering drums.
Erica Synths Pico Trigger module provides a master clock for the Pico System and it generates up to 16 step patterns of 4 triggers, simple clock divider patterns, and more advanced polyrhythmic patterns of different step length for triggering drums.
- Selectable internal clock or external clock
- Clock output
- Polyrhytmic patterns
- Adjustable shuffle
- 4 trigger outputs
- 8 pattern memory
- Web-based pattern design interface
- Pattern upload via CLK input
You can design your patterns in a custom web interface and then upload them to the module via CLK in 3,5mm jack.
To access Pico Trigger paterns web designer click here.
Technical specification:
- Clock rate 20BPM – 420BPM
- Trigger amplitude 5V
- Trigger duration 10ms
- Power consumption +20mA, -5mA
- Module width 3HP
- Module depth 35mm
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