Elektron Analog Heat MKII
  • Elektron Analog Heat MKII
  • Elektron Analog Heat MKII
Elektron Analog Heat MKII
Elektron Analog Heat MKII Elektron Analog Heat MKII

Elektron Analog Heat MKII

Add sparkly brilliance, or grimy roughness, to any sound source. Samplers, drum machines, synths, the master bus, you name it. Analog Heat MKII is a fiery furnace destined to make your music glow.

849,00 CHF
Sofort lieferbar

Audio enhancer. Audio destroyer.
Add sparkly brilliance, or grimy roughness, to any sound source. Samplers, drum machines, synths, the master bus, you name it. Analog Heat MKII is a fiery furnace destined to make your music glow.

Sound better
Take a sound, any sound. Send it through the Analog Heat MKII, try out the eight different stereo analog distortion circuits, add stereo analog filtering and EQ, and hear beautiful things unfold. New life for your existing gear.

All analog, all yours
The eight stereo analog circuits are designed to quickly access varied and powerful sound shaping. Each circuit has a distinctive way of processing sound. Clean boost, tape-like saturation, tube amp-like enhancement, overdrive, crunch, distortion, harmonic fuzz or high gain? You’ll find your favorite flavor with ease.

Sound card operation
One of the most prominent Analog Heat MKII features: it can function as a 2 in/2 out sound card, even while processing DAW audio. Perfect for the traveling musician. Create as you go and make stellar, high quality recordings wherever you may roam.

Analog Heat MKII specifications

Sound processing

  • 8 × Stereo analog distortion circuits
  • 1 × Stereo analog multi-mode filter (7 filter types)
  • 1 × 2 band adaptable stereo analog EQ
  • 1 × Assignable envelope generator/envelope follower
  • 1 × Assignable LFO


  • 128 user preset slots


  • 128×64 pixel OLED screen
  • MIDI In/Out/Thru with DIN Sync out
  • 2 × ¼″ balanced audio out jacks
  • 2 × ¼″ balanced audio in jacks
  • 1 × ¼″ stereo headphones jack
  • 2 × ¼″ CV/Expression pedal input jacks
  • 48 kHz, 24-bit D/A and A/D converters
  • Flash-EEPROM upgradable OS
  • Hi-speed USB 2.0 port

Audio outputs

  • Headphones out level: +19 dBu peak
  • Headphones output impedance: 36 Ω
  • Impedance balanced main outputs level: +19 dBu peak
  • Main outputs impedance: 440 Ω unbalanced

Audio inputs

  • Balanced audio input level: +19 dBu peak
  • Audio input impedance: 39 kΩ

Control inputs

  • Input level: -5 V – +5 V
  • Accepts CV, Expression pedals, Foot switches

Physical specifications

  • Sturdy steel casing
  • Dimensions: W215×D184×H63 mm (8.5×7.2×2.5″) (including audio outputs, knobs and rubber feet)
  • Weight: approximately 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs)
  • 100×100 mm VESA mounting holes


  • Overbridge enabled (available later)
  • 3 year Elektron warranty

Included in the box

  • Power Supply PSU-3b
  • Elektron USB cable

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