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You have that kick drum ready to trigger and your sequencer is all set; OR do you want to trigger it with that big shiny button? OR with that random source? You get the idea. Dual Logic OR Gates.
LYRA8-FX is a processor that can give you a significant part of the mysterious LYRA-8 sound thanks to the FX section from the LYRA-8, expanded with CV controls and packed into a Eurorack module.
It contains a double modulated lo-fi delay with cross-feedback and the unique possibility of self-modulation, where the delay output signal modulates its own sample rate. Also, it packs a parallel distortion with CV control of the drive. The distortion is after the delay. It’s much more than a delay – you can get a simple reverb, comb filter, chorus and much more cool FXs which are hard to describe.
It has a famous LYRA-8 build quality – no SMD, no twisted plastic shafts, no crappy parts.
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You have that kick drum ready to trigger and your sequencer is all set; OR do you want to trigger it with that big shiny button? OR with that random source? You get the idea. Dual Logic OR Gates.
The Erica Synths Black Reverb is a versatile hi-fi stereo FX module with lots of unique features based on our custom DSP engine. The reverb sources are selectable Tape, BBD and "dirty BBD"; emulations with three modes, each – Room, Hall and Cathedral. Delicate room size control, feedback, tone and stereo spin controls allow for designing extremely delicate reverberation effects. CV control over various parameters and the ability to save up to 10 presets will make this module an integral part of any performance rack.
Often considered to be the opposite of filters within a modular system, wavefolders are designed to fold a signal over itself multiple times. This generates additional harmonics, resulting in rich timbres.
Nautilus is a complex delay network inspired by sub-nautical communications and their interaction with the environment. In essence, Nautilus is a stereo delay consisting of 8 unique delay lines which can be connected and synced in interesting ways.
The Bruxa music synthesizer module is an audio alchemical experiment. Spill your sound into time, and let it decay through the filters to hear the results.
Effektkarte für das Z-DSP von Tiptop Audio mit acht Stereodelay-Programmen.
Erica Synths Black LPG is our take on Lowpass Gate idea – it’s designed from scratch featuring 2nd order lowpass VCF (the original Buchla lowpass gate was 1st order VCF) and VCA combo with distinct resonance circuit on top.
Eurorack is a synthesist’s toy chest. Stompboxes are a guitarist’s toy chest. Each industry offers a seemingly infinite variety of products that enable musicians to build systems unique to their needs and to create a signature sound. Each is also somewhat addictive. Rare is the musician who doesn’t eventually need a larger toy chest to house the accumulated toys.
FxBoy is a multi-FX module designed in collaboration with several talented manufacturers.
This is an effect unit with CV control over the parameters and Dry/wet control, with a Built-in CV controllable four bands EQ.
The MFX is a compact 6HP Eurorack stereo digital audio multi effects processor. It offers 16 different full featured effects programs plus a number of metering utilities.
Der Pico DSP ist eine verschlankte Variante des beliebten Stereo-Effektprozessors Black Hole DSP. Das Modul bietet acht Algorithmen, im Einzelnen vier verschiedene Echos, zwei Hall-Varianten, Leslie und Overdrive / Bitcrusher. Jeder Effekt lässt sich in zwei Parametern editieren, für Modulationen gibt es einen CV-Eingang. Der Klang des Pico DSPs ist gewohnt sauber und hochauflösend, neben gängigen Standards lassen sich auch allerhand abgefahrene Spezialeffekte kreieren.
TRSHMSTR ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen WMD und den Electro-Dance-Größen MSTRKRFT. TRSHMSTR bietet eine aggressive Kombination aus Bandpassfilterung (FLTR) und Verzerrung (DRV).
The Erica Synths Black Stereo Delay is a hi-fi stereo delay with a lot of unique features based on our custom DSP engine. Tape, BBD and digital delay emulations with three modes, each accompanied with delay time, feedback, tone and stereo spread controls allow for designing extremely delicate effects. CV control over various parameters and the ability to save up to 10 presets will make this module an integral part of any performance rack. Delay effects are developed by Dutch company www.112db.com
Our design goal for Sealegs was to create the warmest, most musical and organic delay module possible — something that would sweeten and enhance any audio one chose to feed into it. As such, great care has gone into modeling the most distinctive and desirable sonic characteristics of three different types of delay circuits: Tape; Bucket Brigade, and Crossfading Digital.