Tiptop Audio Fold Processor
Wellenfaltung weiter gedacht – Der Fold setzt sich aus einem Dioden-Wave-Multiplier nach Serge-Vorbild und einem Suboktavgenerator zusammen.
Often considered to be the opposite of filters within a modular system, wavefolders are designed to fold a signal over itself multiple times. This generates additional harmonics, resulting in rich timbres.
Often considered to be the opposite of filters within a modular system, wavefolders are designed to fold a signal over itself multiple times. This generates additional harmonics, resulting in rich timbres.
While there is a bewildering array of filter types within the synthesiser world, most wavefolders fall within only a few categories. Diode wavefolders in particular come in just two variants: series and parallel circuit topologies. Choosing a specific folder also means being limited to specific sounds and capabilities.
For the first time, Fold 6 puts forward a 6-stage hybrid series/parallel topology, yielding a greater sonic palette than ever in just 4 HP. Having both main (series) and alternate (parallel) outputs means a single module now gives access to just about all wavefolding tones imaginable.
To take things even further, an integrated symmetrical soft clipper limits the output signals to approximately 10 Vpp, keeping the amplitude within typical Eurorack levels and making it easier to create overdriven sounds at high fold ratios. This clipping stage can be driven continuously using the shape parameter, smoothly transforming the folded waveforms into pulse waves for even more harmonic content.
Two signal inputs are included, to mix audio signals or add in a DC voltage for asymmetric folding. The symmetry can also be manually controlled using the dedicated knob. Of course, both fold and shape parameters feature voltage control, to enable continuous timbral modulation.
Moving beyond simple signal processing, Fold 6 also lends itself perfectly for feedback patching, CV folding or frequency multiplication; its modest size belies the sonic capabilities within.
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Wellenfaltung weiter gedacht – Der Fold setzt sich aus einem Dioden-Wave-Multiplier nach Serge-Vorbild und einem Suboktavgenerator zusammen.
"Grain de Folie" ist eine Karte für das Z-DSP, die mit einer simplen und speziell für das Z-DSP angepassten Granularsynthese arbeitet.
Data Bender is a circuit bent digital audio buffer. It is inspired by the ways in which audio equipment can fail. The sounds of skipping CDs, software bugs, and defective tape machine playback are all accessible. The 96kHz, 24-bit audio buffer can hold over a minute of stereo audio, providing a sonic canvas capable of infinite surprises and discovery.
Moving from mono to stereo sound: a logical progression for any synthesist looking to expand their sonic palette. Making use of two audio channels, rather than just one, quite literally adds another dimension to the capabilities of a synthesiser.
6 in 8 out, all CV & audio capable plus MIDI IO. 30 hp.
It currently contains 97 different modules. if you want effects, the phasers, flangers, bitmangle, freeze, granular, filters, powerful LFOs, time stretch, turntable stop, step sequencer, twist delay, VCA, wavefolder, quantiser, attenuverter and more will cover it.There’s some very powerful modules including a granular texture synthesiser, a 16 model macro oscillator voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms including ring modulation, comparators and cross folding.
Experimenteller Sampler – Morphagene kombiniert virtuelle Tonbänder nebst klassischen Schnitttechniken mit modernen Granular-Algorithmen, um Sound zu prozessieren. Klänge und Geräusche lassen sich mit wenigen Handgriffen aufnehmen, zerteilen, schichten und neu arrangieren.
Erica Synths Black LPG is our take on Lowpass Gate idea – it’s designed from scratch featuring 2nd order lowpass VCF (the original Buchla lowpass gate was 1st order VCF) and VCA combo with distinct resonance circuit on top.
Valhalla DSP bringt mit "The Halls of Vallhalla" eine Effekt-Karte mit acht Reverb-Algorithmen, die speziell auf die Stärken des Z-DSP von TipTop Audio angepasst wurden und für elektronische Musik "maßgeschneidert" sind.
Eurorack is a synthesist’s toy chest. Stompboxes are a guitarist’s toy chest. Each industry offers a seemingly infinite variety of products that enable musicians to build systems unique to their needs and to create a signature sound. Each is also somewhat addictive. Rare is the musician who doesn’t eventually need a larger toy chest to house the accumulated toys.
The Mutant Hot Glue is a versatile bus mixer for analog effects chain design. The included analog compressor offers series or parallel compression and a sidechain input, making it particularly well suited to drum processing. The voltage controlled distortion is based on ideas borrowed from the guitar pedals responsible for a lot of yesterday’s acid style techno sounds, but improved over the guitar equivalents, and made specifically for synthesizer and drum processing. The distortion can be used in its default position, normalized to the effects send, or like every other part of the module, broken out and used elsewhere in your modular system.
Spectravox ist ein innovatives Werkzeug zur Klangformung und das neueste Mitglied der semi-modularen Moog-Familie. Als analoger Spektralprozessor, der auf einer 10-Band-Filterbank basiert, erzeugt Spectravox lebendige Drones, farbenfrohe tonale Sweeps und fügt dem Sound resonante Tiefe und psychedelische Spektralbewegungen hinzu. Schliesse ein Mikrofon an, und Spectravox wird zu einem analogen 10-Band-Vocoder mit innovativer integrierter Modulation seiner Filter. Spectravox erforscht und erweitert die Topologie des Vocoders sowie die einer konventionellen Filterbank. Er ist ein hochflexibler Instrumenten- und Signalprozessor mit einer umfangreichen Patchbay.
Javelin ist ein Modul, das im Grunde eine ADSR-Hüllkurve mit integrierten VCA darstellt. Es verfügt jedoch über einige Features, die das Modul zu einem expressiven Klangformungswerkzeug machen.
Das Grand Terminal ist ein digitales Mehrzweck-Modul für ambitionierte Sounddesigner.
The Erica Synths Black Reverb is a versatile hi-fi stereo FX module with lots of unique features based on our custom DSP engine. The reverb sources are selectable Tape, BBD and "dirty BBD"; emulations with three modes, each – Room, Hall and Cathedral. Delicate room size control, feedback, tone and stereo spin controls allow for designing extremely delicate reverberation effects. CV control over various parameters and the ability to save up to 10 presets will make this module an integral part of any performance rack.
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The MFX is a compact 6HP Eurorack stereo digital audio multi effects processor. It offers 16 different full featured effects programs plus a number of metering utilities.