The Quad Peak Animation System music synthesizer module combines the auditory enveloping of stereo spaced peaks with the animation of two or more peaks in a single channel dancing around each other or engaging in primitive vocalizations. QPAS is Quad Core, containing four identical state variable filter cores with a control system powerful enough to guide them in stereo multi-peak operation, but simple enough to encourage system integration rather than domination.
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WARNA ist ein sehr nützliches Modul zum Verteilen, Teilen, Invertieren und Mischen von Signalen, primär von Steuerspannungen. Es besteht aus zwei aktiven Multiples und einem Mischer.
The X-PAN music synthesizer module is a compact and powerful 5 channel Voltage Controlled Stereo Mixer with Low Noise and High Headroom allowing for creation of complex panoramic audio imagery in just 10hp.
The Graphic Resonant Filterbank (FB) is a ten-band analogue filterbank with digital control over each bands’ boost or cut. Each band can be controlled individually via CV or manually, while complex control configurations turn the filterbank into an unconventional multimode filter and even an instrument in its own right when played with various resonance settings. The Expander module (works exclusively with the Graphic Resonant Filterbank and is available separately) provides hands-on adjustment of boost and cut for all bands.
Erica Synths Black Polivoks VCF is one of the most authentic sounding emulations of the famous Russian synth the Formanta Radio Factory Polivoks.
Genauer Klon des frühen Minimoog-Tiefpassfilters, bei dem alle Transistorpaare handselektiert und aufeinander abgestimmt sind, was bei den späteren Minis nicht der Fall war. Drei Eingangskanäle ersparen dir einen Mischer. Als Extras fügte AJH Synth Spannungssteuerung der Resonanz und einen schaltbaren Overdrive hinzu.
Filter 8 ist eine voll spannungssteuerbare OTA-Multimode-Schaltung, die man auch als Acht-Phasen-Sinusoszillator, VC-LFO oder Percussion-Stimme verwenden kann.
The Dual Stereo Gate (DXG) music synthesizer module is a Dual Stereo Low Pass Gate and Mixer. It follows in the footsteps of the QMMG, Optomix, RxMx, DynaMix, and LxD. Unlike its predecessors, the DXG is specifically oriented around mixing stereo signals, making it an important addition to any system containing modules like XPO, QPAS, Morphagene, Mimeophon, and other stereo modules by Make Noise or others.
Katowice is a stereo variable–band isolator that allows the user to manipulate a selected range of frequencies. It is the first module in a series of upcoming Xaoc Devices products designed specifically for processing stereo signals.
Das ist die WMD Synchrodyne Expand, mit der WMD ein bisschen verrückt geworden ist. Aber sie dachten sich, wenn man das Original versteht, will man immer tiefer gehen. Dafür ist der Expand konzipiert.
Some of you have been along for the journey, and some are just joining in. This is the third generation of the much loved Korgasmatron filter designed in collaboration with David G. Dixon. Once we experienced the purity and range of its finely re-tuned filters; the warmth of its soft-clipping; the beefiness of its Q-drive; the howl of its all new overdrive circuit, we knew it was something more than the Korgasmatrons before it.
Das Modul A-115 ist ein vierstufiger Frequenzteiler (engl. frequency divider). Die Frequenz eines Signals am Eingang wird halbiert (halbe Frequenz = 1. Suboktave), geviertelt (1/4 Frequenz = 2. Suboktave), usw.. Auf diese Weise erzeugt der DIVIDER vier Suboktaven (F/2 bis F/16).
24dB resonant lowpass filter and distortion with internal modulation and envelope following
Das Grand Terminal ist ein digitales Mehrzweck-Modul für ambitionierte Sounddesigner.