Designed to provide a powerful, flexible sampling engine for modular synthesis, the ASSIMIL8OR Multi-Timbral Phase Modulation Sampler module is the latest incarnation of Dave Rossum’s decades-long pioneering of affordable professional sampling technology.
ASSIMIL8OR provides eight independent channels of sampling with sound quality that can range from extremely hi-fi to low fi, all with extensive real-time CV control.
Key ASSIMIL8OR features include:
Assimil8or Specifications
2,300 seconds at 48kHz mono, freely allocatable between the 8 channels
48kHZ, 96kHZ, 192kHZ
A/D & D/A
24 Bits
32 Bits
100 microseconds at the Mix Outputs
180 microseconds at the Individual Outputs
Sample L/R
2x 3.5mm mono socket
100kΩ Input Impedance
Gate/Trigger 1-8
8x 3.5mm mono socket
100kΩ Input Impedance
1.6V threshold
Control Voltage A 1-8
8x 3.5mm mono socket
100kΩ Input Impedance
96 kHz sample rate
Anti-alias filtered to 20kHz bandwidth
Control Voltage B&C 1-8
16x 3.5mm mono socket
100kΩ Input Impedance
48 kHz sample rate
No anti-alias filtering
Mix Outputs L/R
2x 3.5mm mono socket
1kΩ Impedance
Individual Outputs
8x 3.5mm mono socket
1kΩ Impedance
+/-12V via 16-pin, Doepfer-style connector
220mA +12V, 30mA -12V
28HP (W); Panel to power connector (with connector plugged in) 25mm (D)
1x Micro SD card
1x 16-pin, Doepfer-style cable
4x M3 screws
4x M2.5 screws
4x Nylon washers
1x Quickstart Guide
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Exotischer Analogoszillator – Der A-110-6 nutzt einen Quadratur-Trapezoid-Kern, um Signale zu generieren. Waveshaper leiten weitere Schwingungen ab. Insgesamt lassen sich fünf Wellenformen vom Modul abgreifen. – In normaler und um 90 Grad versetzter Phasenlage. Für Stimmungsanpassungen, Spiel und Modulationen stehen zwei Steuereinheiten (exponentiell / linear) bereit. Ein Niederfrequenzmodus erlaubt den Einsatz als LFO. Dank Thru-Zero-Schaltungsdesign liefert der A-110-6 kräftige FM-Sounds. In Verbindung mit den phasenverschobenen Ausgängen lassen sich allerhand abgefahrene Klangspektren schaffen.
Hybrid additive phase-modulation voice on a swappable oscillator platform
Experimenteller Sampler – Morphagene kombiniert virtuelle Tonbänder nebst klassischen Schnitttechniken mit modernen Granular-Algorithmen, um Sound zu prozessieren. Klänge und Geräusche lassen sich mit wenigen Handgriffen aufnehmen, zerteilen, schichten und neu arrangieren.
Pony VCO is a fully analog Thru-Zero oscillator with wavefolder and dedicated VCA in only 4HP. The module offers great stability and tuning capabilities thanks to its powerful core, based on Sound Semiconductors IC. It comes with range selector, that allows it to go down to LFO range, as well as octave and waveform selectors.
Kompakter und doch gut zu bedienender, satt klingender Wavetable-Oszillator, der mit 16 Wavetables á 16 Wellenformen, Bitratenreduktion und einem tollen dreistufigen Suboszillator ausgestattet ist.
Akustische Instrumente im Modular-Format – Plonk nutzt Physical Modeling, um Sound zu erzeugen. Das Modul bietet verschiedene Anreger- und Resonator-Modelle, die flexibel verformt werden können.
The Dual Stereo Gate (DXG) music synthesizer module is a Dual Stereo Low Pass Gate and Mixer. It follows in the footsteps of the QMMG, Optomix, RxMx, DynaMix, and LxD. Unlike its predecessors, the DXG is specifically oriented around mixing stereo signals, making it an important addition to any system containing modules like XPO, QPAS, Morphagene, Mimeophon, and other stereo modules by Make Noise or others.
Erica Synths Black VCO2 is an analogue VCO with built in SAW waveshaper and two modulation LFOs.
Created by Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin, Bullfrog is an educational electronic music instrument designed to captivate and inspire both youth and professionals alike. Bullfrog invites you to unlock musicality while combining the thrill of electronic music production with a comprehensive learning experience.
Universal drum synthesizer with roots in the analog world on a swappable 10HP oscillator platform