Make Noise X-PAN
The X-PAN music synthesizer module is a compact and powerful 5 channel Voltage Controlled Stereo Mixer with Low Noise and High Headroom allowing for creation of complex panoramic audio imagery in just 10hp.
Record. Mangle. Destroy.
Nebulae is a granular sampler and DSP platform. Its phase vocoder audio engine provides elastic audio, which can be time stretched, granularized, and mangled to no end. With independent control over pitch and speed, and granular controls such as overlap, window, and density, finding new sonic territory is only a knob turn away. Nebulae can use live audio input, a recorded buffer, or audio files as the source material for its powerful audio manipulations. The live input buffer can record up to five minutes of stereo audio at 48kHz, 24 bit. In addition, up to 75 MB of stereo audio can be loaded simultaneously through the USB port. No naming convention or special formatting necessary; just plug and play.
Nebulae lives a double life as an open source DSP platform with an extensive library of off the shelf alternate instruments. You can turn the module into a lush reverb, spectral delay, or tape-style looper simply by loading a new file onto the flash drive. Do you want to tweak one aspect of an existing instrument, even the default functionality? No problem. No prior coding knowledge is necessary to tweak and refine existing firmware to your liking or start with one of our templates. Alternate firmware files can be written with Pure Data, Csound, SuperCollider, and even bare-bones C programs.
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The X-PAN music synthesizer module is a compact and powerful 5 channel Voltage Controlled Stereo Mixer with Low Noise and High Headroom allowing for creation of complex panoramic audio imagery in just 10hp.
Ein programmierbarer universeller CV-Generator, dessen Grundfunktionalität aus den unglaublich starken (aber auf einem zweizeiligen Display unbedienbaren) Funktionsgeneratoren des E-mu Morpheus stammt. Jetzt wurden sie zu einer überaus flexiblen Modulationsquelle erweitert, die aufwendige One-Shot-Kurven, sich kontinuierlich entwickelnde zyklische Muster von beliebiger Länge und Komplexität umfasst.
Das Morpheus ist ein erstklassiges 14-Pol Digitalfilter, das dem Emu Morpheus Synthesizer und seiner Z-Plane-Technologie von 1993 entstammt. Es verwendet komplexe Filterkombinationen, die resonante Klangcharakteristika modellieren und durch spannungsgesteuertes Morphing dreidimensional interpolieren, um nie zuvor gehörte Klänge zu erzeugen. Eigene Filterkombinationen sind speicherbar und sequentiell durchschaltbar.
The MCO (mk II) is a highly versatile digital VCO and voice module inspired by 90s/00s digital synths shrunk into just 6HP.
The Make Noise/soundhack Spectraphon is a dual Spectral Oscillator coded by Tom Erbe of soundhack. It uses real-time spectral analysis and resynthesis to create new sounds from those that already exist. It is inspired by classic electronic musical instruments of the past, including spectral processors, additive synthesis, vocoders, and resonators especially the Buchla 296 and Touché, but it takes a physical form more resembling the classic analog dual complex oscillator in the lineage of the Buchla 259 and the Make Noise DPO.
Pony VCO is a fully analog Thru-Zero oscillator with wavefolder and dedicated VCA in only 4HP. The module offers great stability and tuning capabilities thanks to its powerful core, based on Sound Semiconductors IC. It comes with range selector, that allows it to go down to LFO range, as well as octave and waveform selectors.
Cylonix and Intellijel have collaborated to bring you a complex digital wavetable oscillator with an extensive FM synthesis engine. 1024 Waveforms, LFO Toggles for both oscillators, deep internal FM, preset sequencing and morphing, built-in delay, 64 band vocoder, analog wavefolder, chord mode, eight sync types, percussion mode, TZFM and so much more. You're in for years of exploration.
Spectravox ist ein innovatives Werkzeug zur Klangformung und das neueste Mitglied der semi-modularen Moog-Familie. Als analoger Spektralprozessor, der auf einer 10-Band-Filterbank basiert, erzeugt Spectravox lebendige Drones, farbenfrohe tonale Sweeps und fügt dem Sound resonante Tiefe und psychedelische Spektralbewegungen hinzu. Schliesse ein Mikrofon an, und Spectravox wird zu einem analogen 10-Band-Vocoder mit innovativer integrierter Modulation seiner Filter. Spectravox erforscht und erweitert die Topologie des Vocoders sowie die einer konventionellen Filterbank. Er ist ein hochflexibler Instrumenten- und Signalprozessor mit einer umfangreichen Patchbay.
The Mutant Rimshot is a fully analog rimshot and clave generator inspired by the rimshot found in the legendary 909 drum machine; a triple bridged-T oscillator coupled with a state variable filter. The clave sound (not a feature of the original 909 rimshot) is achieved by using just one of the oscillators.
VCNO is a noise oscillator, capable of producing full spectrum white noise and various random signals. But that’s where its similarity to other noise generators stops. VCNO can be used like a VCO – you can modulate the pitch over CV and use its multiple outputs simultaneously, each with a distinct sonic character. As well, you can patch it into a VCA or use it to modulate and trigger other elements in your modular system.
Das Grand Terminal ist ein digitales Mehrzweck-Modul für ambitionierte Sounddesigner.