innoFADER Mini Pro SP

    innoFADER Mini Pro SP

    This is a special version of the mini Innofader Pro that is pre-programmed to work in the Reloop Spin. It comes with the necessary adapter cable and mounting screws.

    Please note if you have purchased have purchased a Reloop SPIN in Japan, USA, Australia or New Zealand, with a serial number beginning with RT1904xxxxx, you will need to modify the SPIN wiring prior to installing the mini Innofader Pro for Reloop SPIN.

    The fader includes a mounting plate, adapter cable, and extra custom cable which allows the use of the original Spin fader to balance the Aux and Vinyl sound

    89,00 CHF
    Auf Anfrage

    This is a special version of the mini Innofader Pro that is pre-programmed to work in the Reloop Spin. It comes with the necessary adapter cable and mounting screws.

    Please note if you have purchased have purchased a Reloop SPIN in Japan, USA, Australia or New Zealand, with a serial number beginning with RT1904xxxxx, you will need to modify the SPIN wiring prior to installing the mini Innofader Pro for Reloop SPIN.

    The fader includes a mounting plate, adapter cable, and extra custom cable which allows the use of the original Spin fader to balance the Aux and Vinyl sound


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