Moog Subsequent 37

Moog Subsequent 37

1.999,00 CHF
3-4 Tage

The Subsequent 37 is a (2-note) paraphonic analog synthesizer that builds upon the award-winning design of the ultra-powerful Sub 37 Tribute Edition. Its control panel is home to 40 knobs and 74 switches, placing a vast array of analog sound-design tools and onboard sequencing options immediately at your command. The Subsequent 37 improves upon its source through the implementation of a number of user-requested sonic and functional enhancements. Each enhancement maintains the magic and character of its predecessor while also providing access to new dimensions of sound and improved playability.

The SUBSEQUENT 37 mixer section has double the headroom of that in the Sub 37 Tribute Edition. This provides access to a new range of classic clean tones in both mono and duo performance modes. Leveraging the mixer’s newfound flexibility, gain-staging in the Ladder filter has been reshaped to boost harmonic saturation and analog compression, resulting in an overall richer low end. Completing the sonic evolution of the SUBSEQUENT 37 is a re-tuned Multidrive circuit that extends well beyond the grit and growl of the original Sub 37.

In addition to the sound engine augmentation, each SUBSEQUENT 37 comes with an upgraded 
keybedfor improved playability, a high-powered headphone amplifier strong enough to drive the most demanding headphones, and a software plugin/editor for both Windows and Mac platforms


  • SUB 37 DESIGN – All the controls and features found on the Sub 37 Tribute Edition
  • SOUND ENGINE EVOLUTION – Richer low end and greater sonic dimension
  • MORE MULTIDRIVE – Wider range and dirtier than ever before
  • ROOM FOR TWO - More headroom means Duo mode sounds even better
  • 37 NOTE KEYBED – Lightweight with swift action and aftertouch.
  • HIGH-POWER HEADPHONES – Cue up your next sound in the loudest of venues.
  • EXTENSIVE MODULATION AND SEQUENCING - 2 assignable mod busses, 2 DAHDSR looping envelopes and an ultra-powerful arpeggiator/sequencer
  • 256 PRESETS - 16 banks of 16 patches
  • FREE SOFTWARE EDITOR – Works as a DAW plugin or as a standalone editor.

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