Modal Electronics Cobalt8
  • Modal Electronics Cobalt8
  • Modal Electronics Cobalt8
  • Modal Electronics Cobalt8
  • Modal Electronics Cobalt8
Modal Electronics Cobalt8
Modal Electronics Cobalt8 Modal Electronics Cobalt8 Modal Electronics Cobalt8 Modal Electronics Cobalt8

Modal Electronics Cobalt8

Dieses kraftvolle, inspirierende Instrument erfindet die Ästhetik analoger Klänge neu und lädt Musiker, Produzenten und Sounddesigner ein, eine neue Ära virtuell-analoger Synthesizer-Texturen zu erkunden, die weit über die Grenzen seiner analogen Vorfahren hinausgeht.

629,00 CHF
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Polyphony: True 8 voice polyphonic

Oscillators: 64 high-resolution virtual-analogue oscillators, up to 8 per voice. Two independent and self-contained oscillator groups with sine, pulse, triangle, sawtooth waveforms, 34 different algorithms including: complex analogue synthesis techniques, built-in crossmodulation (SYNC, RM, and many more), PWM, smooth morphing between VA waves, bit crushing, filtered noise.

Filter: Four-Pole Morphable Ladder Filter with Resonance and four switchable configurations. Resonance and Balanced Filter Modes.

Modulation: Three dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER that can be accessed independently or all three simultaneously including negative (reverse) versions for MOD and FILTER ENVs. Three audio-rate LFO’s with tempo sync (two poly, one global) with seven different shapes. Eight assignable modulation slots and four additional fixed modulation routings for common assignments with 12 modulation sources and 55 modulation destinations.

Sequencer and Arpeggiator: Realtime sequencer with 512 notes with polyphonic mode and four recordable/editable parameter animations (Delay FX, LFO’s, sequencer and arpeggiator can be either clocked internally or externally). Built-In sophisticated programmable arpeggiator of 32 steps with rest capability with up to 2048 steps before repeating.

FX: Three incredibly powerful independent and user-configurable stereo FX engines for Chorus, Phaser, Flanger (Pos), Flanger (Neg), Tremolo, LoFi, Rotary, Stereo Delay, Ping-Pong Delay, X-Over Delay and Reverb that can be arranged in any order.

User Memory: Patches: 500, all fully editable and ships with 300 factory programs. Sequencer: 100 sequences that can be linked to any patch for quickly loading arrangements. FX: 100 presets. Eight Quick Recall slots accessible from the panel for quickly loading your favourite patches.

Controls and Performance: Premium FATAR TP/9S 37-note Keyboard with velocity and channel aftertouch 29 endless encoders, 24 buttons. Four-axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually ‘locked’ when desired. Multiple keyboard modes (Mono, Poly, Unison 2, Unison 4, Unison 8, Stack 2 and Stack 4). Glide/Portamento with both legato and staccato modes

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