Doepfer A-138c Polarizing Mixer
Vierkanaliges Mischermodul, wobei die Signale zum Ausgangssignal addiert (positive Verstärkung) oder subtrahiert (negative Verstärkung) gemischt werden können. Zusätzlich gibt es am Ausgang einen weiteren Polarizer, der das Ausgangssignal regelt. Gedacht ist das Modul zum Addieren/Subtrahieren von Steuerspannungen, aber interessante, dezente Ergebnisse können mit phasenverschobenen Audiosignalen erzielt werden.
Das Modul ist geeignet, um Modulationen zu mischen und manche von ihnen zu invertieren, z.B. wenn deine Hüllkurve keinen invertierten Ausgang hat. Interessant ist es auch, verschiedene Ausgänge eines Multimoderfilters zu mischen und dabei durch Phasenauslöschungen neue Filtertypen zu kreieren.
4 Eingänge, 1 Ausgang
3 HE Eurorack-Modul, 8 TE breit, 35 mm tief
20 mA Stromverbrauch
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Produkte der Kategorie
Erica Synths Black Mute Mixer
Erica Synths Black Mute Mixer is a compact, high quality audio mixer with bonus features – mute switch on each input and three buffered outputs.
Xaoc Devices Sopot
Sopot is a triple summing mixer featuring three signal-adding sections, with the middle one optionally fed to the top and bottom ones. Sopot is a compact utility module useful in summing multiple stereo and mono sound sources (up to four signals for each section). To better understand the device, we strongly advise the user to read through the entire user manual before use.
Intellijel Triplatt
Sometimes you just need a quick audio mixer; a voltage offset; a CV mixer; an attenuator; an attenuverter; or just a voltage. Mix and match to your needs.
ALM BusyCircuits Stereo Sum
The ‘STEREO SUM’ is a unity gain summing mixer that features four stereo input pairs summed as pairs to two independent mix outs or all as a single combined mix. It is a useful utility for efficiently combining outputs of multiple stereo sources, such as the MEGA-TANG and Jumble Henge mixers or multiple MFX returns.
ALM BusyCircuits MFD
The ‘MFD’ is a 2-channel stereo crossfader designed for live DJ-style mixing and jamming in Eurorack. Two mono or stereo inputs are mixed to a single stereo output via direct or voltage control. Additional Cue controls provide preview monitoring of either input pre-mix via dedicated Cue switches and an output.
Joranalogue Enhance 2
Moving from mono to stereo sound: a logical progression for any synthesist looking to expand their sonic palette. Making use of two audio channels, rather than just one, quite literally adds another dimension to the capabilities of a synthesiser.
ALM BusyCircuits Mega-Milton
It includes a stereo line input converter for incorporating line level external sources into a Eurorack system, a fixed 4 input mixer with breakout attenuator for combining signals, a gated slew limiter for adding slides to sequences, a sample and hold with analog white noise with a myriad of uses such as generative melodies or producing percussive textures and finally a buffered mult for droop free signal distribution with handy LEDs to monitor.
ALM BusyCircuits HPO
The ‘HPO’ is an affordable super slim and skiff friendly no frills stereo headphone driver output for your modular synthesiser.
Make Noise X-PAN
The X-PAN music synthesizer module is a compact and powerful 5 channel Voltage Controlled Stereo Mixer with Low Noise and High Headroom allowing for creation of complex panoramic audio imagery in just 10hp.
Noise Engineering Expando Expandi
Expando Expandi adds 8 freely assignable CV inputs to the Xer Mixa in just 4 HP. Connect up to two Expando Expandi to Xer Mixa for easy CV control over channel levels, pan, aux sends, and more.
Befaco Out 1U
Out is a 1U stereo output module designed to convert audio signals from your modular to line-levels. The module is designed to be used on cases with onboard Jack connectors or Intellijel 7U and Palette series, as it uses the same pinout. The module also includes a high-quality Headphone amplifier with an auxiliar monitoring CUE input.