ALM BusyCircuits HPO
The ‘HPO’ is an affordable super slim and skiff friendly no frills stereo headphone driver output for your modular synthesiser.
Stereo audio is becoming more popular in the rack as more effects make it over to eurorack. Mixup makes is easy to combine your mono and stereo sources into a single stereo mix. You have mute and level control over the first three channels and, using a rear connector, you can chain multiple Mixups together into a hidden 5th stereo channel without using up channels on the front panel.
Stereo audio is becoming more popular in the rack as more effects make it over to eurorack. Mixup makes is easy to combine your mono and stereo sources into a single stereo mix. You have mute and level control over the first three channels and, using a rear connector, you can chain multiple Mixups together into a hidden 5th stereo channel without using up channels on the front panel.
Mighty Mini Mixer
Mixup is a versatile, expandable audio mixer for eurorack format. It has eight inputs (6 on the front panel) and two outputs. Inputs 1 and 2 are single-channel mono inputs, each with its own mute switch and level control; Input 3 is a dual-channel stereo input with a shared mute and level control; and input 4 is an auxiliary unity-gain, non-mutable stereo input.
Using bus connectors on the back panel, you can chain multiple Mixups together in series, giving you the ability to mix together even more inputs, or to create sub-mixes for routing around larger systems.
Because Mixup is designed specifically for audio (and not for CV mixing), it uses AC-coupled circuitry (which reduces the potential for ‘pops’ when muting and unmuting audio), and it uses audio-grade, logarithmic attenuators for a smooth, even response across the entire volume range.
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Bitte beachten Sie, dass pro Rechnung eine Administrationsgebühr von CHF 2.90 anfällt.
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The ‘HPO’ is an affordable super slim and skiff friendly no frills stereo headphone driver output for your modular synthesiser.
The Jumble Henge is a 16 input stereo spectral mixer with a unique patch-based mixing interface in a compact space.
Xer Mixa is a mixer with ten stereo-paired inputs (8 channels and 2 aux-ins), three stereo-paired output busses, tactile controls, and a 100% analog signal path with low noise and crosstalk, pristine sound quality, and ultra-high headroom. A built-in analog leveling amplifier is great for adding some punch to your mix. A digital control interface harnesses the true power of hybrid design, allowing for state save and recall, per-channel pan law and pre/post send settings, multichannel editing, and MIDI I/O.
Mit seinen komfortablen und modernen Funktionen bietet das SYS-531 einen überarbeiteten Ansatz des 131 Ausgangsmoduls aus der SYSTEM-100m Serie. Ausgestattet mit sechs hochwertigen Eingängen, jeder davon mit Pegel-Slider, Pan-Regler und komfortablem Mute-Button, bietet sich das SYS-531 als zentrale Anlaufstelle zum Mischen von Mono- oder Stereosignalen (nur Pre-Fader) an.
It includes a stereo line input converter for incorporating line level external sources into a Eurorack system, a fixed 4 input mixer with breakout attenuator for combining signals, a gated slew limiter for adding slides to sequences, a sample and hold with analog white noise with a myriad of uses such as generative melodies or producing percussive textures and finally a buffered mult for droop free signal distribution with handy LEDs to monitor.
Out is a 1U stereo output module designed to convert audio signals from your modular to line-levels. The module is designed to be used on cases with onboard Jack connectors or Intellijel 7U and Palette series, as it uses the same pinout. The module also includes a high-quality Headphone amplifier with an auxiliar monitoring CUE input.
Sopot is a triple summing mixer featuring three signal-adding sections, with the middle one optionally fed to the top and bottom ones. Sopot is a compact utility module useful in summing multiple stereo and mono sound sources (up to four signals for each section). To better understand the device, we strongly advise the user to read through the entire user manual before use.
Erica Synths Black Output is a high quality output mixer and a stereo panner with balanced outputs and headphone amplifier for monitoring your modular masterpieces.
Das TAI–4 ist die hochwertige Schnittstelle Deines Eruorack-Systems zur Außenwelt. Es bietet jeweils zwei Ein- und Ausgangskanäle, um symmetrische Signale ins Modularsystem einzuspeisen bzw. um, umgekehrt, unsymmetrische Signale innerhalb des Modularsystems zu symmetrieren und für die externe Weiterverarbeitung bereitzustellen.
The XOH (miX Out Headphone) music synthesizer module is a stereo mixer, headphone amplifier and output interfacing module for your modular synthesizer.
Erica Synths Black Mute Mixer is a compact, high quality audio mixer with bonus features – mute switch on each input and three buffered outputs.
Bytom ist ein dreifacher Mischer für Gate- bzw. Triggersignale, ein sogenannter OR-combiner. Er besteht aus drei unabhängigen Sektionen, von der jede bis zu vier Signale bearbeiten kann. Durch Schalter kann man die einzelnen Sektionen miteinander koppeln, um bis zu zwölf Signale miteinander zu mischen.
Mix 3 liefert ein überaus sauberes, natürliches Klangbild mit exzellenter Übersteuerungsfestigkeit. Das Modul verfügt über insgesamt vier Eingangskanäle.