The ‘HPO’ is an affordable super slim and skiff friendly no frills stereo headphone driver output for your modular synthesiser.
The ‘HPO’ is an affordable super slim and skiff friendly no frills stereo headphone driver output for your modular synthesiser. Includes a volume control and ability to double up a mono signal into stereo. A great use for that left over 2hp in a skiff or larger system.
Give loved ones, friends and acquaintances a break from your musical ‘genius’, the HPO offers a solitary cell for focused creativity impregnable from undeserving non believers.
HPO Features:
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Mit der PowerPay - Monatsrechnung können Sie Ihren Onlineeinkauf einfach per Rechnung mit Teilzahlungsoption begleichen. MF Group Factoring AG / PowerPay bietet als externer Zahlungsdienstleister die Zahlungsart “Zahlung per Rechnung” an. Beim Abschluss des Kaufvertrags übernimmt PowerPay die entstandene Rechnungsforderung und wickelt die entsprechenden Zahlungsmodalitäten ab. Bei Kauf auf Rechnung akzeptieren Sie zusätzlich zu unseren AGB, die AGB von PowerPay. (powerpay.ch/AGB)
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The Befaco Synth Duster is a super soft brush to keep your modular synth and audio equipment far away from the dust!!
Size: 100x110x30 millimeters (w/h/d)
ChikiPower is a USB-C standalone Eurorack Power Supply designed to complement any DIY bench. ChikiPower can provide up to 400mA per rail with a 20W USB charger, making it perfect for driving small setups. Besides its tiny desktop format, Chikipower is a super reliable power supply offering over-voltage and short-circuit protection keeping your devices safe.
Als Musiker, DJ oder Tontechniker befinden Sie sich regelmäßig in einer Umgebung mit lauter Musik. Das Risiko, einen Hörschaden zu erleiden, ist daher groß. Ein Hörverlust hat direkte Auswirkungen auf die Ausübung Ihres Berufs oder Ihres Hobbys. Passender Gehörschutz ist daher bei Proben, Auftritten und Konzerten unerlässlich. Deshalb hat Alpine die MusicSafe-Ohrstöpsel entwickelt. Diese MusicSafe Pro-Variante wird mit drei austauschbaren Filtersätzen geliefert. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen den weißen Filtern mit einer (niedrigen) Dämmung von 16 dB, den silbernen Filtern mit einer (mittleren) Dämmung von 19 dB und den goldenen Filtern mit einer (hohen) Dämmung von 22 dB.
FxBoy is a multi-FX module designed in collaboration with several talented manufacturers.
This is an effect unit with CV control over the parameters and Dry/wet control, with a Built-in CV controllable four bands EQ.
They are ideal for use with modular synthesizers and sound modules.
Erica Synths Black Mute Mixer is a compact, high quality audio mixer with bonus features – mute switch on each input and three buffered outputs.
Morphader is a performative tool designed to make multichannel CV/Audio crossfade easy and comfortable. Fading from one quad CV/audio scene to another. The core of the module has four CV controlled crossfaders, each with their individual control and a master fader to control them all. The module mixes the four crossfades at its fourth output, thanks to a clever normalization scheme. Each of them can be easily removed from the mix by plugging a cable at its own output.
Motion MTR allow you to mix, attenuate and invert signals while having clear visual feedback of their levels.
The ‘MEGA-TANG’ is a 4-channel linear VCA and stereo mixer providing per input control over level, effect send, pan and muting. Designed for live use in mind with a simple & compact layout, the ‘MEGA-TANG’ builds on the clean and transparent sounding Tangle Quartet VCA by adding a stereo mix output, effect sends (mono send with a stereo return) which pair great with the MFX, manual panning, soft mute buttons with LED indicators and an expansion port for future expandability.
The Erica Synths Matrix Mixer is a 16 – input, 16 - output desktop patch matrix – it can route and mix signals with high precision, create buffered multiples and random patches. It can also interface external instruments with your Eurorack system, and – it’s not limited to Eurorack!
Xer Mixa is a mixer with ten stereo-paired inputs (8 channels and 2 aux-ins), three stereo-paired output busses, tactile controls, and a 100% analog signal path with low noise and crosstalk, pristine sound quality, and ultra-high headroom. A built-in analog leveling amplifier is great for adding some punch to your mix. A digital control interface harnesses the true power of hybrid design, allowing for state save and recall, per-channel pan law and pre/post send settings, multichannel editing, and MIDI I/O.
Out is a 1U stereo output module designed to convert audio signals from your modular to line-levels. The module is designed to be used on cases with onboard Jack connectors or Intellijel 7U and Palette series, as it uses the same pinout. The module also includes a high-quality Headphone amplifier with an auxiliar monitoring CUE input.
Das TAI–4 ist die hochwertige Schnittstelle Deines Eruorack-Systems zur Außenwelt. Es bietet jeweils zwei Ein- und Ausgangskanäle, um symmetrische Signale ins Modularsystem einzuspeisen bzw. um, umgekehrt, unsymmetrische Signale innerhalb des Modularsystems zu symmetrieren und für die externe Weiterverarbeitung bereitzustellen.
Moving from mono to stereo sound: a logical progression for any synthesist looking to expand their sonic palette. Making use of two audio channels, rather than just one, quite literally adds another dimension to the capabilities of a synthesiser.
Expando Expandi adds 8 freely assignable CV inputs to the Xer Mixa in just 4 HP. Connect up to two Expando Expandi to Xer Mixa for easy CV control over channel levels, pan, aux sends, and more.
The ‘MFD’ is a 2-channel stereo crossfader designed for live DJ-style mixing and jamming in Eurorack. Two mono or stereo inputs are mixed to a single stereo output via direct or voltage control. Additional Cue controls provide preview monitoring of either input pre-mix via dedicated Cue switches and an output.
The Ch.Svr music synthesizer module is a small utility module, offering several channels of signal-processing that will be useful in just about any modular system. As a condensation/extension of the sum/offset/attenuversion aspects of MATHS, it continues the great tradition of sculpting the control signals we use to sculpt our sound signals.