erica synths Black Output V2
Erica Synths Black Output is a high quality output mixer and a stereo panner with balanced outputs and headphone amplifier for monitoring your modular masterpieces.
STMix is a compact 4 channel stereo mixer with an auxiliar input. This input will allow us to chain a few of them or to insert an extra fifth input.
This module is compatible with our Hexmix System, and can be internally connected to Hexmix module to add the output of STMix to your main mix.
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Erica Synths Black Output is a high quality output mixer and a stereo panner with balanced outputs and headphone amplifier for monitoring your modular masterpieces.
Mit seinen komfortablen und modernen Funktionen bietet das SYS-531 einen überarbeiteten Ansatz des 131 Ausgangsmoduls aus der SYSTEM-100m Serie. Ausgestattet mit sechs hochwertigen Eingängen, jeder davon mit Pegel-Slider, Pan-Regler und komfortablem Mute-Button, bietet sich das SYS-531 als zentrale Anlaufstelle zum Mischen von Mono- oder Stereosignalen (nur Pre-Fader) an.
Motion MTR allow you to mix, attenuate and invert signals while having clear visual feedback of their levels.
Xer Mixa is a mixer with ten stereo-paired inputs (8 channels and 2 aux-ins), three stereo-paired output busses, tactile controls, and a 100% analog signal path with low noise and crosstalk, pristine sound quality, and ultra-high headroom. A built-in analog leveling amplifier is great for adding some punch to your mix. A digital control interface harnesses the true power of hybrid design, allowing for state save and recall, per-channel pan law and pre/post send settings, multichannel editing, and MIDI I/O.
It includes a stereo line input converter for incorporating line level external sources into a Eurorack system, a fixed 4 input mixer with breakout attenuator for combining signals, a gated slew limiter for adding slides to sequences, a sample and hold with analog white noise with a myriad of uses such as generative melodies or producing percussive textures and finally a buffered mult for droop free signal distribution with handy LEDs to monitor.
The ‘STEREO SUM’ is a unity gain summing mixer that features four stereo input pairs summed as pairs to two independent mix outs or all as a single combined mix. It is a useful utility for efficiently combining outputs of multiple stereo sources, such as the MEGA-TANG and Jumble Henge mixers or multiple MFX returns.
Morphader is a performative tool designed to make multichannel CV/Audio crossfade easy and comfortable. Fading from one quad CV/audio scene to another. The core of the module has four CV controlled crossfaders, each with their individual control and a master fader to control them all. The module mixes the four crossfades at its fourth output, thanks to a clever normalization scheme. Each of them can be easily removed from the mix by plugging a cable at its own output.
The ‘MEGA-TANG’ is a 4-channel linear VCA and stereo mixer providing per input control over level, effect send, pan and muting. Designed for live use in mind with a simple & compact layout, the ‘MEGA-TANG’ builds on the clean and transparent sounding Tangle Quartet VCA by adding a stereo mix output, effect sends (mono send with a stereo return) which pair great with the MFX, manual panning, soft mute buttons with LED indicators and an expansion port for future expandability.
The Mutant Hot Glue is a versatile bus mixer for analog effects chain design. The included analog compressor offers series or parallel compression and a sidechain input, making it particularly well suited to drum processing. The voltage controlled distortion is based on ideas borrowed from the guitar pedals responsible for a lot of yesterday’s acid style techno sounds, but improved over the guitar equivalents, and made specifically for synthesizer and drum processing. The distortion can be used in its default position, normalized to the effects send, or like every other part of the module, broken out and used elsewhere in your modular system.
Erica Synths Black Mute Mixer is a compact, high quality audio mixer with bonus features – mute switch on each input and three buffered outputs.
Sopot is a triple summing mixer featuring three signal-adding sections, with the middle one optionally fed to the top and bottom ones. Sopot is a compact utility module useful in summing multiple stereo and mono sound sources (up to four signals for each section). To better understand the device, we strongly advise the user to read through the entire user manual before use.