WMD Javelin
Javelin ist ein Modul, das im Grunde eine ADSR-Hüllkurve mit integrierten VCA darstellt. Es verfügt jedoch über einige Features, die das Modul zu einem expressiven Klangformungswerkzeug machen.
Your modular system is all about generating complex, fluid and dynamic variations in voltage. It’s a glorious thing — until that sousaphonist joins the band and demands you play notes conforming to an actual musical scale.
Make Anything Musical
Your modular system is all about generating complex, fluid and dynamic variations in voltage. It’s a glorious thing — until that sousaphonist joins the band and demands you play notes conforming to an actual musical scale. Enter the appropriately named Scales module, which quantizes those feral voltages into musical pitches. Use the second output in conjunction with the Shift and Interval features to generate harmonies and counterpoint, or simply to quantize a second input voltage. Scales can even record, play back and store 35 different sequences as long as 128-steps each. Experience the magic of turning chaos into harmony.
Lock and Step
Scales is an 8hp dual-channel note quantizer and step sequencer. Fundamentally, it takes an input voltage, quantizes it to notes in a user-defined scale, and sends that quantized voltage to an output, where you can use it as a melodic pitch source for oscillators or any other module that expects to see discreet note values at its input.
Scales goes far beyond the fundamental, allowing you unprecedented control of the pitches and intervals hiding inside your control voltages; turn LFO’s into arpeggiators; random voltages into harmonic counterpoint; and unquantized external CV sequencers into chromatically tuned note sequencers.
Quantization can be locked to an incoming trigger. There are a number of trigger output options as well, ranging from no triggering (good for pitch shifting drones); through triggers that sync with either of the two outputs (or both); to a trigger or gate transmitted in sync with one sent to the module’s TRIG input.
Scales features two independent outputs, enabling you to create shifted harmonic intervals within your chosen scale using only a single pitch input. Using the SHIFT input you can modulate changes on OUT A and/or OUT B.
You can also use the shift input to switch between scales or to change the root of any existing scale pattern or split Scales into two quantizers — each conforming to a common scale, but fed entirely different voltage sources.
Scales also features a 128-step SH-101 style step sequencer (complete with storage for up to 35 fully programmable patterns) — allowing you to feed OUT B with sequenced notes and rhythm patterns, while OUT A continues to function as a standard pitch quantizer for external voltages. You can even sync the sequencer to quantizer events on OUT A.
Width 8HP
Depth 39mm
Power 35mA @ +12V
5mA @ -12V
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Javelin ist ein Modul, das im Grunde eine ADSR-Hüllkurve mit integrierten VCA darstellt. Es verfügt jedoch über einige Features, die das Modul zu einem expressiven Klangformungswerkzeug machen.
Das legendäre Buchla 245-Modul im Eurorack-Format.
Erica Synths Black Joystick2 is 4 channel (2 axis on each channel) multi functional CV and sound source – joystick, movement recorder, distinct LFO and drone/noise oscillator. It provides great interaction with the modular system and allows to develop unconventional modulation patterns easily.
6 in 8 out, all CV & audio capable plus MIDI IO. 30 hp.
It currently contains 97 different modules. if you want effects, the phasers, flangers, bitmangle, freeze, granular, filters, powerful LFOs, time stretch, turntable stop, step sequencer, twist delay, VCA, wavefolder, quantiser, attenuverter and more will cover it.There’s some very powerful modules including a granular texture synthesiser, a 16 model macro oscillator voice and a meta modulator with 7 blendable signal combining algorithms including ring modulation, comparators and cross folding.
Modulation is the core concept of modular synthesis: parameters changing over time, adding movement and musical interest to what would otherwise be merely static sounds. Being able to control the amplitude of signals throughout a patch is therefore essential, and one can never have too many voltage controlled amplifiers (VCAs).
Designed as a fully-featured modulation hub for Eurorack synthesisers, Morph 4 takes the basic concept of the multi-VCA module to the next level.
For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-frequency or audio oscillator and much more.
Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this classic circuit. It delivers much improved performance and control by incorporating modern design techniques.
Bifold is a unique dual channel wavefolder with numerous feedback and routing options along with CV control. Mix, blend and crossfade the two different folder flavours into a rich stew of unique waveforms and harmonic movement. It is the first wavefolder to offer simultaneous, independently controllable serial and parallel folder circuits.
Katowice is a stereo variable–band isolator that allows the user to manipulate a selected range of frequencies. It is the first module in a series of upcoming Xaoc Devices products designed specifically for processing stereo signals.