The beating heart of your modular. Whether you are exploring the unique channel functions, CV modulation matrix or chaining options, it is quickly apparent that there are infinite possibilities to explore. This powerful and tactile modulation generator will quickly become the beating heart of your modular system.
The Intellijel Quadrax consists of four independent, CV-controllable channels, each of which can be configured to perform any one of the following functions:
an AD (Attack, Decay) envelope
an AHR (Attack, Hold, Release) envelope
a cycling envelope (resulting in a unipolar LFO)
a pulse burst generator (Finite repeated functions that ascend or descend in amplitude)
a morphing, bipolar beat syncable LFO
The envelopes all feature a continuously variable response curve, ranging from logarithmic through linear to exponential, and each stage can be as snappy as 0.3 ms to as lengthy as 20 seconds.
When set to Burst mode, the channel generates a rising or falling burst of pulses, with full control over the length of the pulse burst, the number and shape of the bursts within it, and whether the bursts increase or decrease in amplitude over the burst.
AD, AHR, Cycling and Burst modes all feature a user-selectable maximum output level of either 5V or 10V.
LFO mode offers control over the frequency and waveshape, while providing a unique morphing feature that creates numerous variations of the selected waveshape. LFOs can be either free-running or beat-synchronized using the channel’s TRIG input.
Channels can be chained together to create complex multi-stage envelopes, with each channel triggered by the previous channel’s trigger input, end-of-rise, or end-of-fall. This enables multiple function generators to fire simultaneously, or it enables the creation of complex multi-stage envelopes by allowing the linked function to fire either at the end of the previous function’s rise time, or at the end of its fall time.
Four freely-assignable, step-attenuverted CV inputs are capable of modulating any or all of the various parameters across all four channels using the built-in CV matrix, and built-in attenuversion for each assignment.
Quadrax remembers its current state (Mode and CV assignments, channel links, etc) and retains that state even if power is removed, meaning Quadrax will always turn on in exactly the same state as you last left it.
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Bifold is a unique dual channel wavefolder with numerous feedback and routing options along with CV control. Mix, blend and crossfade the two different folder flavours into a rich stew of unique waveforms and harmonic movement. It is the first wavefolder to offer simultaneous, independently controllable serial and parallel folder circuits.
Der QuantiZer skaliert eingehende CV-Steuersignale entsprechend einer Dur- oder Moll-Tonleiter nach dem Standard 1 V / Oktave. Alternativ kann man eigene Skalen mit den für westliche Musik charakteristischen zwölf Noten erstellen. Ergebnisse lassen sich flexibel transponieren und um Portamento ergänzen. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine Aufnahmefunktion, mit der man musikalische Ideen schnell festhalten kann. Die Bedienung ist, trotz des vergleichsweise großen Funktionsumfanges, in wenigen Minuten erlernt. Hohe Stabilität und exzellente Performance runden den hervorragenden Gesamteindruck ab.
Your modular system is all about generating complex, fluid and dynamic variations in voltage. It’s a glorious thing — until that sousaphonist joins the band and demands you play notes conforming to an actual musical scale.
The most complex modulator is you. The Planar 2 puts macro control over six outputs—including a quad panning mixer—into your hands with a buttery smooth joystick. Record up to 30 seconds of your own movements, stretch it or mangle it with scan mode, use a trigger for playback, or just loop it—synced or not. Add yourself to your patch.
Often considered to be the opposite of filters within a modular system, wavefolders are designed to fold a signal over itself multiple times. This generates additional harmonics, resulting in rich timbres.
Was auf den ersten Blick wie ein normaler Analosgsequencer aussieht ist in Wahrheit ein unglaublich flexibler Spannungsgenerator. Sequenzen kann er natürlich auch, aber genauso lässt sich der Voltage Multistage als VC-LFO, grafischer Oszillator, als AD- AR-, ADSR- und sogar als Multistage-Hüllkurve benutzen. Das Modul braucht wegen seiner Komplexität sicher ein wenig Einarbeitungszeit, die sich aber lohnt. Sehr spannend.
Select 2 lässt sich als Festspannungsquelle, Schalt-, Mute- oder Haltestufe, Invertierungswerkzeug, Abschwächer, Offset-Generator, Mixer und zur Addierung beziehungsweise Subtraktion von Signalen einsetzen.