Elektron Analog Four MKII
  • Elektron Analog Four MKII
  • Elektron Analog Four MKII
  • Elektron Analog Four MKII
Elektron Analog Four MKII
Elektron Analog Four MKII Elektron Analog Four MKII Elektron Analog Four MKII

Elektron Analog Four MKII

Analog Four MKII is the new benchmark for analog tabletop synthesizers. Tweaked circuitry delivering deeper bass than ever, new powerful sound control possibilities, dedicated outputs for each voice. Not to mention the ultra durable buttons, the big OLED screen and the premium design. No stone has been left unturned. 

1.559,00 CHF
Auf Anfrage

Analog Four MKII is the new benchmark for analog tabletop synthesizers. Tweaked circuitry delivering deeper bass than ever, new powerful sound control possibilities, dedicated outputs for each voice. Not to mention the ultra durable buttons, the big OLED screen and the premium design. No stone has been left unturned. 

What’s new?

  • Reworked analog circuitry delivering very deep and defined bass
  • Enhanced analog overdrive for more bite and growl
  • Crisp, large OLED screen providing optimal feedback in dimly lit environments
  • Ultra durable back-lit buttons. Rated for 50 million presses
  • Precise, hi-res encoders
  • Quick performance controls
  • Increased amount of dedicated buttons enabling quicker workflow
  • Stereo audio outputs for each voice
  • Expression/CV inputs for external control of Analog Four MKII parameters
  • Overbridge with higher bandwidth
  • Premium cast aluminium enclosure


  • 4 synth voices, each with:
  • Fully analog signal path
  • 2 × analog oscillator
  • 2 × sub-oscillator
  • 1 × noise generator
  • 1 × 4-pole analog lowpass ladder filter
  • 1 × 2-pole analog multi-mode filter
  • 1 × analog overdrive circuit
  • 2 × assignable LFO
  • 1 × amp envelope
  • 2 × assignable envelope
  • Up to 4 notes of polyphony
  • Up to 4 part multitimbrality
  • Up to 4 note unison playback
  • Chorus, Delay and Reverb send FX
  • Quick Performance controls
  • Live friendly Elektron sequencer
  • CV/Gate sequencing
  • 1 × ¼″ headphones output
  • 2 × ¼″ impedance balanced main output
  • 4 × ¼″ separate stereo voice output
  • 4 × ¼” CV/Gate output
  • 2 × ¼″ unbalanced external input
  • 2 × ¼″ expression/CV input
  • 1 × USB 2.0 High Speed port
  • MIDI IN/OUT/THRU ports with DIN Sync Out
  • Ultra crisp 128 × 64 OLED screen
  • Precise hi-res encoders
  • Durable back-lit buttons
  • W385 × D225 × H82 mm (15.2 × 8.85 × 3.3″) including power switch, knobs and rubber feet
  • Weight approx. 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs)
  • Fully compatible with Analog Four MKI projects/data

Overbridge enabled

Overbridge is a software suite from Elektron, offering powerful tools when using Analog Four MKII together with computers. It comes in two variants: Basic and Premium.

Overbridge Premium (99 EUR / 89 USD)

  • Fully integrate Analog Four MKII with DAW environments
  • Use Analog Four MKII as a 2 in/2 out sound card (CoreAudio/ASIO/WDM)
  • Control Analog Four MKII with a dedicated VST/AU plugin interface
  • Stream all 4 internal voices, external inputs, and main bus to separate DAW tracks (24 bit/48 kHz)
  • Recall all Analog Four MKII settings when loading a DAW project

Overbridge Basic (Free)

  • MIDI over USB
  • Analog Four MKII sequencer/DAW sync
  • Computer screen visualization of Analog Four MKII parameters
  • Audio streaming of main bus over USB (time limited sessions)

Technische Daten

Sofort lieferbar
Lautsprecher (Wege)

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