Elektron Model:Cycles
Six track FM based groovebox
Scale angles dense and jagged, glide over plains vast and fluid, or sink into mists of dissonance. To model is to shape the formless. Model:Cycles is a six track FM
based groovebox that brings exploring into the heart of sound sculpting.
With six unique Machines in one lightweight unit you can effortlessly mould rhythm and melody across the digital spectrum using instant, tactile controls. Exploration made attainable.
Define the formless
The six Machines of the digital FM engine are unique to Model:Cycles, covering both percussive and melodic synths, allowing you to make full, varied
compositions. The four core Synth Controls put the tools of sound sculpting right in front of you, altering the behavior of each Machine differently and letting
you push them to the limit. Every sound has a start, where will you take it?
Dedicated × 12
Dedicated knobs let you twist each Machine far and wide with wild, unexpected results waiting to be discovered. Use Control All to heave a parameter to the
extreme and back again across every track. Elektron’s powerful sequencer gives you the freedom to record every move live or program the sounds and
parameters of your composition one step at a time.
Light weight, heavy sound
Whether you use it as a versatile live instrument or groovebox on the go to pick up and craft full-blown compositions away from your studio, exploration has
rarely felt so convenient and unimpeded.
Synth voice features
- 6 × FM-based Machines
- 1 × Assignable LFO per track
- 1 × Assignable velocity modulation per track
- Storage space for up to 60,000 presets
- 6 × Audio tracks (all of which may be used as MIDI tracks as well)
- Elektron sequencer with up to 64 steps
- Unique length and scale settings per track
- Parameter locks
- Micro timing
- Trig conditions
- Assignable retrig
- Real-time or grid recording of notes and parameters
- 96 × Projects
- 96 × Patterns per Project
- Send & master effects
- Delay and reverb send FX
- 6 × Velocity sensitive pads
- Class compliant USB audio 2.0
- 1 × 1/4” stereo headphone jack
- 2 × 1/4” impedance balanced audio out jacks
- 1 × Hi-speed USB 2.0 Micro B port
- 3.5 mm dual polarity TRS MIDI In, Out/Thru jacks
- 128 × 64 pixel LCD screen
- 48 kHz, 24-bit D/A converters
- Hi-speed USB 2.0 Micro B port
- Power inlet: Center positive 3.5 × 1.35 mm barrel jack, 5 V DC, 1 A
Physical specifications
- W 270 × D 180 × H 39 mm (10.7” × 7.1” × 1.6”) (including knobs and feet)
- Weight: approximately 0.80 kg (1.8 lbs)
- 3 year Elektron warranty
Included in the box
- Power Supply PSU-4
- Micro USB Cable USB-2
- 2 × MIDI adapter (5-pin DIN to 3.5mm TRS minijack)
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