A Modern Classic Reinvented
The Prophet Rev2 desktop module is just as powerful and easy to use as its counterpart, the Prophet Rev2 keyboard. The module has the same controls with the same the same ease of use as the keyboard version. Best of all, it sounds just as awesome, because it’s exactly the same on the inside — Dave Smith’s reimagining of his now-classic Prophet ’08 poly synth.
The Prophet Rev2 retains all of the key features of the Prophet ’08 and expands on them. It has twice the polyphony, twice the mod matrix, waveshape modulation on all waveforms, digital effects per layer in stacked or split voice mode, a polyphonic step sequencer per layer, and more. The result is a true analog powerhouse.
You can download any of the many existing libraries of Prophet ’08 sounds and they will not only sound identical, but can be enhanced with the new features.
16-Voice Polyphony
With 16 voices to play with, you have the freedom to allocate them as you wish. Play two-fisted chords via your MIDI controller, stack two 8-voice sounds for massive, complex textures, or split your controller into two completely separate 8-voice Prophet Rev2 instruments. An 8-voice version of the desktop module is also available, which, like the Prophet Rev2 keyboard, can later be expanded to 16-voices with the Expander Kit if desired.
Bold Sound
The Prophet Rev2 gets its bold, punchy sound from its 2/4 pole, low-pass, resonant Curtis filters per voice. These are the same filters used not only in the Prophet ’08, but in many classic instruments of the 70’s and 80’s. A separate Audio Mod control adds additional harmonic complexity and movement.
Waveshape Modulation
A powerful new feature unique to the Prophet Rev2 is waveshape modulation. You can now vary the “pulse width” of any of the four waveforms (sawtooth, saw+tri, triangle, square). Using the Shape Mod control, you can manually dial in a desired waveshape width or use an LFO or other mod source for continuously shifting timbre. Even single-oscillator sounds take on new depth and dimension. The tonal possibilities are vast.
Effects Per Layer
The effects section provides reverb, delays (standard and BBD), chorus, phase shifter, ring modulation, and distortion. In stacked or split voice mode, you can apply a different effect to each layer. Effects parameters can be modulated through the Mod Matrix.
Extended Mod Matrix
Also present from its predecessor is an easy-to-assign Mod Matrix, now twice as big, with 8 individual slots and many more sources/destinations. It’s a veritable sound designer’s playground.
Poly Step Sequencing
The polyphonic step sequencer allows up to 64 steps and up to 6 notes per step. You can create a different sequence for each layer when you are working in stacked or split voice mode, making it a powerful tool for composition or performance. The sequencer also functions as a modulation source in gated mode, allowing you to create up to 4 different 16-step sequences for complex modulation. Sequences allow ties and rests, and can sync to an external MIDI clock. The arpeggiator features note repeats, re-latching, and can be synced to external MIDI clock, as well.
Per-Knob Programmability
The knob-per-function front panel offers instant access to Prophet Rev2 functions. Included are 512 permanent factory programs and 512 rewritable user programs.
Eminently Playable
All of this polyphonic muscle is packed into a compact desktop module with an integrated power supply, USB support, and a crisp OLED display. Whether you’re gigging or recording, it’s an analog powerhouse like no other.
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TERRA is a highly conceptual device. The core idea is unity of nature and technology, and a perfect balance between simplicity and versatility. Behind the extremely simple interface hides a complex polyphonic, microtonal synthesizer with a broad and flexible sound palette that ranges from classical beautiful tones to complex atonal noise, and offers smooth and fast transitions between these extremes.
Im OP-1 field stecken mehr als ein Jahrzehnt an Ideen, Verfeinerungen und Verbesserungen wie Stereo über die gesamte Signalkette, Bluetooth MIDI, USB-C, ein neues Lautsprechersystem mit passivem Treiber für detailreichen, satten und lauten Sound, eine enorme Akkulaufzeit von bis zu 24 Stunden, mehrere Bänder und Aufnahmeformate, ein neuer, großartig klingender „Mother“ Hall und die „Dimension“-Synth-Engine, ein bündig abschließendes, hochauflösendes Glasdisplay und UKW-Übetragung um nur einige der insgesamt 100 neuen Features aufzuzählen.
The Prophet-10 module puts ten voices of Sequential’s legendary analog poly synth on your desktop. Like the full keyboard version, it’s “the best of all Prophet-5s” because it embodies all three Prophet-5 revisions — Rev1, Rev2, and Rev3 — through the use of genuine Curtis analog VCOs and filters (as in the Rev3) as well as new 2140 low-pass filters designed by Dave Rossum, like the 2040 filters he designed in the original Rev1 and Rev2. A Rev switch lets you choose between the two filter designs. It also adjusts the Filter Envelope’s shape and response to match the original Prophet Rev 1/2 or Rev 3 respectively.
The result is as pure a renewal of an analog classic as you could wish for, with the authentic, muscular sound of the original and the roadworthiness of a state-of-the-art modern instrument.
Erschaffe neue Soundwelten – mit dem S-1 Tweak Synth, einem leistungsfähigen polyphonen Micro-Synthesizer, inspiriert vom legendären Roland SH-101. Jamme mit knackigen Bässen und ausdrucksstarken Leads, die du kennst und liebst. Danach entführst du deine Musik in unbekanntes Klangterrain. Hier warten futuristische Wave-Manipulationen, integriertes Sequencing und einzigartige Performance-Funktionen, die speziell für moderne Klangkünstler entwickelt wurden. Mit seiner inspirierenden Hands-On-Steuerung und dem intuitiven Workflow bietet der leistungsfähige S-1 ein gleichermaßen spielerisches wie beeindruckendes Synthesizer-Erlebnis für Einsteiger und erfahrene Klangabenteurer.
The OB-6® desktop module is just as powerful and easy to use as its counterpart, the OB-6 Keyboard. The module has all of the same controls as the keyboard version and provides the same immediacy and ease of use. As with the OB-6 Keyboard, all parameters are at your fingertips, with full-sized knobs and switches and a comfortable, intuitive layout.
Based on lessons learned from the SYNTRX, we decided to create an instrument that would integrate even deeper into contemporary electronic and experimental music setups and cover sonic territory from daunting drones to powerful basslines and glitched noisescapes - the SYNTRX II is a new dark horse for experimental sonic rides.
ENNER is a very expressive sound tool that can generate bits, pads, FX, noises, clicks, glitches, but also function as a cool vocal mic with built-in analog FX and much more! A musician with a rich imagination and who’s experienced in playing ENNER can perform an entire exciting gig using just this synth.
Analog Four MKII is the new benchmark for analog tabletop synthesizers. Tweaked circuitry delivering deeper bass than ever, new powerful sound control possibilities, dedicated outputs for each voice. Not to mention the ultra durable buttons, the big OLED screen and the premium design. No stone has been left unturned.
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Octatrack MKII is improved, enhanced and modified. A better version of itself, built to mangle samples in demanding environments. Ensured by: high quality buttons and hi-res encoders, a crisp OLED screen with fantastic viewing angles, a professional contactless crossfader and an increased count of dedicated buttons.
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