Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas Alia
Universal drum synthesizer with roots in the analog world on a swappable 10HP oscillator platform
The Primacoustic Stratus is an acoustical device that suspends above the recording console to control early reflections, flutter echo, and to help eliminate standing waves that cause resonant peaks in the critical mix position.
The Primacoustic Stratus is an acoustical device that suspends above the recording console to control early reflections, flutter echo, and to help eliminate standing waves that cause resonant peaks in the critical mix position. Once in place, you will immediately enjoy a more controlled and intimate acoustic environment, larger sweet spot, and reduced ear fatigue.
Attractive and very affordable, the Stratus ships in kit form and is easily put together in minutes using a simple screw driver. The kit includes a 2″ thick, 24″ x 48″ acoustic panel made from high density 6lb per cubic foot (96 kg/m³) glass wool and suspension hardware. The glass wool is encapsulated with micromesh and the edges are resin treated to retain the minute fibres. For an attractive appearance, the panel is covered in an acoustically transparent fabric.
The suspension hardware consists of two light-weight aluminum rails and “L” brackets that form a rigid frame around the panel. To hang the Stratus, simply attach the included suspension wire to the frame. Hardware and fasteners for sheet-rock ceilings are included in the kit. Typically, the Stratus would be suspended above the console and clustered in an array spanning the width of your console and listening area.
The Stratus absorbs sound energy by converting it to heat. Sound energy traveling via air vibrations penetrates the panel causing the minute glass fibres to vibrate and generate heat. This thermo-dynamic energy transfer effectively absorbs directional sound energy and prevents it from reflecting into the mix position.
By itself, the 2″ thick glass wool panel is 100% effective for frequencies between 400Hz and 20kHz (see the acoustic absorption chart). To help control a broader frequency spectrum, the Stratus may be angled to vary the air space between the Stratus and the ceiling. This allows the backing surface to also absorb reflections off the ceiling.
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Universal drum synthesizer with roots in the analog world on a swappable 10HP oscillator platform
The ‘TAZM-O’ is an analog triangle core oscillator featuring through-zero frequency modulation and a collection of some of our favourite features of classic oscillator designs. It includes a continuous morphing wave/pulse width shape control inspired by the Serge NTO, dual SH-101 style varied pulse sub octave outputs, a voltage controlled FM Index typically found in larger complex oscillators, a built in output level VCA and voltage controlled octave transposition similar to the multipliers found on Akemie’s Castle digital FM VCO.
Mit seinen kompakten Abmessungen, dem günstigen Preis und einer Fülle an integrierten Funktionen präsentiert sich der PodTrak P4 als einfache Lösung für mobile Podcast-Aufnahmen in professioneller Audioqualität.
Rackmount 16 x 22 Thunderbolt Audio Interface mit zwei Unison Mikrofonvorverstärkern, Apollo X Gen 2 Audiowandlung der Eliteklasse, Auto-Gain, Apollo Monitor Correction, bis zu 5.1 Surround Sound mit Bass Management, HEXA Core DSP Plug-in Verarbeitung und Premium Software Suite für Mac oder Windows.
Komplete 15 Ultimate is an expansive collection of creative tools for professional production, scoring, performance, and sound design. It features over 150 premium instruments and effects, including cutting-edge synths, cinematic sample libraries, advanced sound design tools, and more than 80 Expansion sound packs.
Out is a 1U stereo output module designed to convert audio signals from your modular to line-levels. The module is designed to be used on cases with onboard Jack connectors or Intellijel 7U and Palette series, as it uses the same pinout. The module also includes a high-quality Headphone amplifier with an auxiliar monitoring CUE input.
2-Kanal-Profi-DJ-Controller im Scratch-Stil für Serato DJ Pro (schwarz).
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Mit dem 5-fach Verteilerkabel können bis zu fünf Korg Volcas an ein einziges 9V-Netzteil angeschlossen werden. Es teilt sich in fünf 70cm lange Anschlüsse, jeweils abgerundet mit einem passenden Hohlstecker. Um benutzt zu werden, muss das Kabel an einen passenden innen-positiven Endstecker eines 9V-Netzteils mit externem und innerem Durchmesser von 5,5mm und 2,1mm angeschlossen werden.
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Mit dieser durchdachten DJ-Lösung aus einer Hand brauchst du deinen Computer nicht mehr zu einem Auftritt mitzubringen. In Verbindung mit V-CASE, der kostenlosen Software zur Bibliotheksverwaltung, ermöglicht der SDJ-4000 beat-synchrone Effekte und Quantisierung. Indem du deine vorbereiteten Beat Grids und Hot Cues aus V-CASE abrufst, ermöglicht dir der SDJ-4000 die vollständige Kontrolle über einen Standalone-Player.
Der opsix SE ist ein digitaler Synthesizer, der seinesgleichen sucht. Mit seinem Premium-Metallgehäuse, einem Tastaturumfang von 61 Tasten und Aftertouch eröffnet er vollkommen neue klangliche Welten. Basierend auf der ausufernden Klangerzeugung des originalen opsix wurde der opsix SE um eine höhere Polyphonie und ein neues Voicing erweitert, wodurch er zu einem Synthesizer wird, der auch den höchsten Ansprüchen mehr als gerecht wird.
The ultimate beat maker
Intuitive beat making software for beginners, DJs, and advanced producers. Spend less time hitting roadblocks and more time making music with Serato Studio.
AUDIO-WORKSHOP CUBASE COMPLETE 13 COLLECTION DOWNLOAD TUTORIAL Die Cubase Complete 13 Collection ist die wohl weltweit umfangreichste Schulung zu den aktuellen Cubase-Versionen. Sie besteht aus den beiden Tutorials Cubase Complete 13 - Die Referenz und Cubase Complete 13 - Effekte & Instrumente.