ALM BusyCircuits Tyso Daiko
  • ALM BusyCircuits Tyso Daiko
ALM BusyCircuits Tyso Daiko

ALM BusyCircuits Tyso Daiko

The ‘Tyso Daiko’ is a dual 12-bit digital wavetable drum voice with full voltage control and an analog EQ output path.

320,00 CHF
Sofort lieferbar

The ‘Tyso Daiko’ is a dual 12-bit digital wavetable drum voice with full voltage control and an analog EQ output path.

The twin voices are independently triggered and output, but share pitch, envelope and other parameters of a swept wavetable oscillator. One voice is output through a voltage controlled analog tilt EQ emphasising upper or lower frequencies. The other voice is output through a digital wavefolder which adds increasing timbre complexity reaching noise.

Both voices respond independently to an accent input and the first voice is able to be ‘choked’. A surface control allows for fine control of additional transients from punch to click to a slow attack.

Full voltage control including a V/Oct pitch input makes the Daiko a fun, expressive and wide ranging drum module with extremely wide pallet of sounds with lots of modulation possibilities.

The Daiko succeeds the original Dinky with the same spirit but much improved control, new features and new wavetables.

  • Twin wavetable drum voices with shared parameters and separate outputs
  • One voice is output through a fully analog tilt EQ and the other a digital wavefolder.
  • Frequency swept oscillator with 1V/Oct tracking, morphing wavetables (11 waves) and self FM capability.
  • Attack and Release envelopes.
  • Dual trigger, accent and choke inputs.
  • Surface control for additional ‘punch’, click or reduced attack.
  • External mix input through the tilt EQ.
  • Voltage control of all parameters.
  • Skiff friendly with reverse power protection.
  • Made in England
  • Supply: +12V 70mA Max / -12V 35mA
  • Size: 14HP
  • Depth: 32mm

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