ALM BusyCircuits ASQ 1
The ASQ-1 is a multi mode Eurorack sequencer. It can simultaneously sequence two CV/GATE and four trigger patterns, as well as perform synchronised quantisation of an external CV signal.
In everyday usage, 'chaos' means 'disorder, 'randomness'. In mathematics however, chaos has a very specific meaning. Chaos theory deals with systems exhibiting highly irregular behaviour, seemingly random yet completely deterministic.
Applying this to the world of modular synths opens up a whole new world of modulation opportunities, introducing a natural irregularity to otherwise purely ‘mechanical’ music, yet with much more control and repeatability than just simple randomness.
In everyday usage, 'chaos' means 'disorder, 'randomness'. In mathematics however, chaos has a very specific meaning. Chaos theory deals with systems exhibiting highly irregular behaviour, seemingly random yet completely deterministic.
Applying this to the world of modular synths opens up a whole new world of modulation opportunities, introducing a natural irregularity to otherwise purely ‘mechanical’ music, yet with much more control and repeatability than just simple randomness.
In chaos theory, the combination of all possible oscillations at a specific set of parameters is known as the ‘attractor’. Orbit 3 incorporates a modified electronic analogue of the classic double-scroll attractor. Since it contains some (bi)stable regions in addition to chaotic ones, this type is known as a ‘strange’ attractor.
The voltages at each of the module’s outputs can be thought to describe the orbit of a particle through 3D space around two equilibrium points. The positions of these points, as well as the distribution of the orbits and rate of movement can all be adjusted under manual or voltage control.
Not just limited to low frequency modulation use, Orbit 3 can operate in the audio frequency domain as well, yielding a variety of waveforms from its three complementary output pairs. These span a wide range, from near-sine waves to white noise. The addition of temperature compensation and calibrated pitch tracking makes for an unconventional and lively, yet also accurate audio oscillator.
And when you need a break from all that musical chaos, simply connecting any pair of outputs to the XY inputs of an oscilloscope will surely not disappoint!
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The ASQ-1 is a multi mode Eurorack sequencer. It can simultaneously sequence two CV/GATE and four trigger patterns, as well as perform synchronised quantisation of an external CV signal.
Komplete 15 Ultimate is an expansive collection of creative tools for professional production, scoring, performance, and sound design. It features over 150 premium instruments and effects, including cutting-edge synths, cinematic sample libraries, advanced sound design tools, and more than 80 Expansion sound packs.
Als Musiker, DJ oder Tontechniker befinden Sie sich regelmäßig in einer Umgebung mit lauter Musik. Das Risiko, einen Hörschaden zu erleiden, ist daher groß. Ein Hörverlust hat direkte Auswirkungen auf die Ausübung Ihres Berufs oder Ihres Hobbys. Passender Gehörschutz ist daher bei Proben, Auftritten und Konzerten unerlässlich. Deshalb hat Alpine die MusicSafe-Ohrstöpsel entwickelt. Diese MusicSafe Pro-Variante wird mit drei austauschbaren Filtersätzen geliefert. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen den weißen Filtern mit einer (niedrigen) Dämmung von 16 dB, den silbernen Filtern mit einer (mittleren) Dämmung von 19 dB und den goldenen Filtern mit einer (hohen) Dämmung von 22 dB.
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2-Kanal-Profi-DJ-Controller im Scratch-Stil für Serato DJ Lite (schwarz).
Das zur Gänze in Wien konstruierte und dort per Hand gefertigte OC818 stellt die Speerspitze der Austrian Audio Großmembran Mikrofon-Serie dar.
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Sometimes a single pedal can be transformative. It can make your tone bloom in a way that draws the music out of you effortlessly and keeps you engaged for hours. Cloudburst simply produces some of the most gorgeous ambient reverb sounds you’ve ever heard. There is no other pedal like it.
Hol dir dein Tonstudio nach Hause - mit dem neuen SM4 Homerecording Mikrofon. Nimm Vocals und Instrumente professionell und mit Mix-Ready Audio und Interferenzschutz auf. Die 1-Zoll Messing-Doppelmembran ist dafür konzipiert, jedes Detail deiner Performance mit beeindruckender Genauigkeit und herausragender Basskontrolle wiederzugeben. Die zum Patent angemeldete Interference Shielding Technology schirmt störende HF-Interferenzen von drahtlosen Geräten wie Smartphones, Laptops sowie Wi-Fi-Routern ab, während der integrierte Pop-Filter für klare und plosivfreie Aufnahmen sorgt. Das schlanke, unauffällige Design in Metallbauweise ist das perfekte Upgrade für dein Homestudio.
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