Elektron Analog Heat +FX
  • Elektron Analog Heat +FX
  • Elektron Analog Heat +FX
  • Elektron Analog Heat +FX
Elektron Analog Heat +FX
Elektron Analog Heat +FX Elektron Analog Heat +FX Elektron Analog Heat +FX

Elektron Analog Heat +FX

Let the sonic paint drip over your beats, melodies and sounds. The Analog Heat +FX is an all-around sound colouring and manipulation box. It gives you a wide color palette of processing possibilities. Reordering them to experiment and find your own signal flow, with your own special timbres. Whatever the source, and wherever the destination. Enhance, destroy, ignite, and make it drift – let your sound be your canvas.

899,00 CHF
Sofort lieferbar

Evoke the sound of color

Let the sonic paint drip over your beats, melodies and sounds. The Analog Heat +FX is an all-around sound colouring and manipulation box. It gives you a wide color palette of processing possibilities. Reordering them to experiment and find your own signal flow, with your own special timbres. Whatever the source, and wherever the destination. Enhance, destroy, ignite, and make it drift – let your sound be your canvas.

The Heat block

This is the heart and heat of this machine. Add warmth, depth and character with eight fully analog stereo distortion circuits – ranging from a subtle clean boost to complete annihilation. Each circuit offers its own unique way of processing sound. Clean boost, saturation, enhance, mid-drive, crunch, distortion, harmonic fuzz, or high gain. Ready to enhance or destroy your sampler, drum machine, synth, vocal, drums, master bus, calimba – whatever source that comes to mind.

The digital effects

Drift away when adding movement and texture with the worn-out warble effect. Let the inspiration be whatever nostalgic magnetic media comes to mind. Continue that journey with a dash of chorus. Create rich, immersive soundscapes with the delay and reverb effects. Drip grit with a dash of bit & sample rate reduction - adding that special touch of lo-fi glitchyness.

Squeeze or fine tune the dynamic range of your signal with the compressor, and let bass focus nail down the stereo field to mono at the chosen cross-over point, allowing you to get a fat and focused low end.


Here is where the real super fun begins. In the Flow page, you can quickly rearrange, mute and unmute the effects to find your own signal flow, with your own special timbres. Add depth, dimension, complexity, and color to your music – the re-arrangeable signal path letting you showcase all of its nuance. Let the options be endless. Save your explorations, no matter how wild, in one of the 512 preset slots – for instant recall.

Filter and EQ

Shape and carve your material's frequency and overtone content using the resonant multi-mode filter. Select from 7 filter types like the classic lowpass and high pass, as well as a bandpass, notch or peak. Fine tune, add and subtract your lows and highs by twisting the knobs of the 2-band adaptable EQ. Then fracture your sound using the noise gate.

The modulation

Enter the Mod page for the next level of fun. Here you've got a good tool kit of modulation options, each with two destinations. Take the incoming sound and shape it into a modulation source using the envelope follower, which can be sent to tons of parameters like the filter, drive, or bit reduction.

Make the parameters wobble and weave in a coordinated or chaotic manner using any of the 3 multi-waveform LFOs with a wide speed range – all with their own individual settings and destinations. Be complex, be simple. It’s you who decides.

Ins & outs

You've got stereo in and stereo out plus two control inputs for control voltage, expression inputs, or foot switches. These can be assigned to multiple parameters of your effects.

Full-sized midi in, out, and thru, with din sync support for the classics, giving their sound flavors they never knew existed.

USB is on board for easy connection to other class compliant devices such as computers, phones, or tablets, and for a seamless computer integration with Overbridge – perfect for adding analog warmth and your sound explorations. Suitable on individual tracks as well as on the master bus. It can also double as a sound card, making it perfect for the nimble studio.

Eight ways to boost your sound

Glimpse into the sizzling hot condensers, diodes, and other neat things that do their very best to squeeze, crunch, pump, or distort your sound. The first four effects circuits offer clean and non-destructive boosts. The next four provide increasingly aggressive signal-crunching.

  • Saturation - Warm tape-style saturation adds soft complexity to the signal peaks. Equalizer controls accentuate the effect subtly.
  • Enhancement - Adds a tube-like glow to the signal while keeping it clear and defined. Equalizer controls introduce slight static at max settings.
  • Mid-drive - A solid mid-range overdrive effect, keeping the overall signal peaks well defined.
  • Rough crunch - A gritty circuit that squeezes and deforms the peaks to an expressive effect. Equalizers set to max emphasize the crunch.
  • Classic dist - Trusty distortion of upper- and mid-range frequencies. Equalizer settings can add impact to the distortion.
  • Round fuzz - A warm, fuzzy distortion that adds fringes and complexity to the signal peaks in a charming manner. Equalizer extremes fuzz it up even more.
  • High Gain - The most aggressive boost of all. Plenty of gain, great sustain. Extreme equalizer settings impact the sonic mayhem.

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