The B2 BOMBER ADC from BURL AUDIO is the most significant piece of audio gear in your studio, and you don’t even own it yet. You’ve spent a fortune on great mics, great mic pres, and a kick ass DAW, but unfortunately you are missing one key component; an ADC with an audio path worthy of your recordings.
The B2 BOMBER ADC from BURL AUDIO is the most significant piece of audio gear in your studio, and you don’t even own it yet. You’ve spent a fortune on great mics, great mic pres, and a kick ass DAW, but unfortunately you are missing one key component; an ADC with an audio path worthy of your recordings.
Open up your best Mic Pre and look inside. You will see high quality components like tubes, large transformers and high quality capacitors. Open up your ADC and you will find cheap 10 cent capacitors and run-of-the-mill 25 cent op-amps, even when you’ve spent a lot of money on your interface. Most DAW hardware interfaces are designed for inter-connectivity with little attention to the analog audio path, or even the conversion, let alone the tone.
The B2 BOMBER is designed for great specifications, but more importantly, it is designed to give you the ultimate in recording tone. For years now people have been trying to figure out why their digital recordings don’t have the warmth and feel of analog tape recordings. We try using tube Mic Pres and great compressors, but there is still something missing. There is still that blurriness, that graininess and lack of depth that comes with digital recordings.
BURL AUDIO has solved this problem by designing an analog audio path that is complimentary to your Mic Pre and to the analog to digital process. By using a revolutionary hybrid circuit with a proprietary transformer, the BURL AUDIO BX1, and a discrete class-A, zero feedback, zero capacitor signal path, we have achieved dynamic and tonal balance.
Using a B2 BOMBER in the studio is like taking the governor off of your recordings. And, the B2 is not just for tracking. Mix down and mastering were the main focus of the B2′s layout and design. With 30 segment peak amplitude and RMS metering, the B2 lets you know exactly how hot you are running your signal which is critical for mastering.
The attenuator settings on the front easily allow you to change input headroom giving you the ability to hit the front end hotter or colder depending on what the material calls for. And don’t be afraid to run the B2 BOMBER hot, it only sounds better. Couple that with an extremely low jitter clock source, and you have the B2 BOMBER ADC, the most significant piece of gear in your studio.
B2 BOMBER ADC Features:
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