EastWest Voices of Passion
  • EastWest Voices of Passion
EastWest Voices of Passion
EastWest Voices of Passion

EastWest Voices of Passion

VOICES OF PASSION is a tool designed to use vocal samples as the foundation for creating new instruments, and includes female vocals from Wales, Syria, India, Bulgaria and America. It includes ethereal, passionate, flowing, mysterious, wailing and whispering vocals for Film, TV and Game composers as well as songwriters, new age artists and zen horticulturists. Altos and Sopranos. VOICES OF PASSION is not designed to replace a live singer in your studio. 

199,00 CHF
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A very varied and colorful 7.3GB collection of expressive, finely performed and beautifully recorded solo female vocal performances, all patiently waiting their chance to make it onto the soundtrack of Gladiator 2 ('just when you thought it was safe to go back into the arena').


VOICES OF PASSION is a tool designed to use vocal samples as the foundation for creating new instruments, and includes female vocals from Wales, Syria, India, Bulgaria and America. It includes ethereal, passionate, flowing, mysterious, wailing and whispering vocals for Film, TV and Game composers as well as songwriters, new age artists and zen horticulturists. Altos and Sopranos. VOICES OF PASSION is not designed to replace a live singer in your studio. 

VOICES OF PASSION features 5 stunning female artists singing vowels, words, morphing vowels, effects, phrases, calls, whispers and breath noises. This is the first virtual instrument created specifically for use in the film/TV/game genre. This is also the first virtual instrument or sample library created specifically for use in ambient or new age music. 

VOICES OF PASSION is the first virtual instrument to feature true legato intervals (American and Wales only). The Middle Eastern and Indian phrases are presented in a construction kit format allowing users to create very long consistent performances. Mod-wheel controls entry point on ethnic phrases. 


  • Produced by NICK PHOENIX
  • Over 7 GBs of vocals
  • Female Vocalists from Wales, Syria, India, Bulgaria and America
  • All singers recorded with great attention paid towards pitch
  • Oo, oh and ah true legato intervals (American and Wales only)
  • Over 1000 ethnic phrases with a great deal of passion
  • Phrase generator for Welsh vocals
  • Expressive samples, non vibrato, delayed vibrato
  • Ethereal style, breathy vocals
  • New Age vocal performances, staccato and swells
  • PLAY features allow for very quick and intuitive sound loading and organization
  • All singers recorded with a Telefunken Elam 251 and a RCA 44 ribbon mic for tonal variation

While obviously geared for video and movies, the vocals are great for replacing that clichéd diva sound used in a lot of trance music, as well as for any kind of chill. Three words: Evocative, fascinating, and unique. Oh, and add "wow," too.


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