MakeNoise ReSynthesizer

MakeNoise ReSynthesizer

The ReSynthesizer can trace its origins to Spring 2023, with Walker and Rodent putting together a collection of modules to announce and demonstrate the Soundhack Spectraphon at Superbooth ‘23. We knew that these modules would need to complement Spectraphon in a way that would show its true capabilities. As such, this specialized layout comprised a single-system overview of the last 8 years of Make Noise module designs.

4.999,00 CHF
2 Wochen

The ReSynthesizer can trace its origins to Spring 2023, with Walker and Rodent putting together a collection of modules to announce and demonstrate the Soundhack Spectraphon at Superbooth ‘23. We knew that these modules would need to complement Spectraphon in a way that would show its true capabilities. As such, this specialized layout comprised a single-system overview of the last 8 years of Make Noise module designs.

After Superbooth, Walker and Peter continued to use a similar system configuration in videos for our Youtube and Instagram Channels, prompting some folks to speculate if it was to be our new 7U system. At that time we had no plans for a new system; in fact, this layout had been intended as temporary all along, but we found that it made a useful layout in almost all cases and so we continued using it in videos anyway. (The layout even gained the popular unofficial moniker “System X” thanks to the speculative work of Cinematic Laboratory and others.) Choices like the unusual placement of the Morphagene, adjacent to Spectraphon, which we initially assumed would be mainly for a very specific use-case, quickly became second nature to patch. The Spectraphon and Morphagene work together to ReSynthesize raw materials into lush soundscapes, microsound manipulations, or wherever the path leads.

In early 2024, we announced DXG for the easy mixdown of mono or stereo signals, and PrssPnt to add physical touch interaction. With these pieces in place, the ReSynthesizer is born. Pairing the Spectraphon with the Morphagene and the core Make Noise CV generation suite, and housed in the powerful and portable 4 Zone CV Bus Case, the ReSynthesizer is an open design blackboard ready for experimentation and discovery.

We’ve put this collection through its paces and have found it to hold up to any test we throw at it— we can’t wait to hear what sounds you find with it!

  • Voltage Controlled DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
  • Voltage Controlled Spectral Analysis/Resynthesis/Noise Generation: Spectraphon
  • Voltage Controlled Stereo Repeats and Halos: Mimeophon
  • Voltage Controlled Stereo Granularization: Morphagene
  • Complex Random Voltage Generator: Wogglebug
  • Dual Analog Control Voltage generator: MATHS (x2!)
  • Voltage Controlled Panning, Crossfading, and Mixing: X-PAN
  • Polyphonic Time Shifting: TEMPI
  • New School Sequencing: René
  • Human Expression/Control: PrssPnt
  • Stereo Low Pass Gating and Mixing: DXG
  • Horizontal Control Signal Distribution and Indication, plus Final Outputs: CV Bus
  • Voltage Controlled Multi-Mode Multi-Peak Stereo Filtering: QPAS
  • 4 Zone 7U CV Bus case w/ original power supply and AC Adapter, Ready to Play
  • Blanking panels as appropriate (selection may vary)
  • Ships with 30 high quality patch cables
  • Comes with Lid, Highly portable, Meets requirements for carry-on luggage


  • Size: 7U
  • Total HP: 208 @ 3U, 104 @ 1U
  • Dimensions: 22.25″ x 14″ x 7.25″ w/ lid
Make Noise

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