Xaoc Devices Lublin
  • Xaoc Devices Lublin
Xaoc Devices Lublin

Xaoc Devices Lublin

170,00 CHF
auf Anfrage

Xaoc Devices Lublin [ˈlublin] is a high-quality dual VCA module with exponential CV inputs. On top of that, its two identical channels feature additional inputs for pinging. These inputs use an elaborate analog circuit to model the dynamic behavior of vactrols, allowing you to trigger a carefully crafted gain response that mimics the natural decay of plucked and struck acoustic instruments. Unlike lowpass gate modules though, Lublin reduces gain while retaining the full frequency bandwidth, so it is perfect for harmonically rich signals, like our Odessa additive VCO. The vactrol-like behavior is just a starting point as the envelope may be varied within a wide range using a switch (natural, shortened and prolonged response) and a potentiometer, so you are not stuck with one decay characteristic. Therefore, you can use it not only to create bongos, but also for fat compressed kicks! The built-in gain control circuit (saturating CV instead of the audio signal) prevents  distortion from excessive amplification. Lublin is DC-coupled, so you can use it to process CV as well as audio signals. 


  • Dual Voltage-Controlled Amplifier 
  • High quality, low noise and distortion, DC-coupled signal path 
  • Ping inputs for emulating vactrol response 
  • Three variants of ping response 
  • Exponential CV response with adjustable sensitivity 
  • Gain limiting circuit for protection against signal clipping 
  • width 6HP 
  • depth 33mm (including cable bracket) 
  • +40mA/-20mA 

Xaoc Devices

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