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Squarp Instruments Hermod+
  • Squarp Instruments Hermod+
Squarp Instruments Hermod+

Squarp Instruments Hermod+

499,00 CHF
2-3 Wochen

Hermod+ adds so much to your system.

Based on the established Hermod workflow and keeping the same form factor, Hermod+ offers a lot of new features, and a refined, more playful interface with extended connectivity.

Record CV/Gate, MIDI notes and modulations on 16 polyphonic tracks. Compose melodic variations across 16 patterns per track, and take advantage of the advanced step sequencer and the new effects to gain efficiency and creativity in studio and on stage.

8 CV/Gate and 8 MIDI tracks

Hermod+ offers 8 CV/Gate tracks (that can also output midi) and adds 8 dedicated MIDI tracks for your extra gear.

CV inputs

Record, edit and loop analog modulations or CV/Gate using the 4 CV inputs, and use them to synchronize Hermod+ to an incoming analog clock.

Record live

With an improved resolution of 96ppqn, record and playback your CV/Gate or MIDI performance seamlessly without any noticeable note shifting, for up to 16 bars per pattern.

Polyphonic step composer

The revisited piano–roll now allows intuitive polyphonic editing. Edit or program chords, melodies and rhythms using the 16 built–in pads for a quick and playful composition process.


Program or record automated modulations (CV and/or MIDI) for each track, in addition to midi aftertouch, pitchbend and sustain voices.

Dynamic effects

Add up to 8 real–time CV/MIDI effects per track. All effects are non–destructive, so they can be edited at any given time to add some variations to a performance.

Advanced ModMatrix

Use the modulation matrix to link incoming CV or CC messages to effect parameters. Each modulations can be attenuverted and offsetted.

Playable song mode

Build your song structures using up to 16 sequences per project. Play them into a predefined order or launch them manually for improvised performances.

Synchronized project swap

Quickly save and recall your projects on the SD card. Project loading can now be done in sync, without interrupting your performance.

Chromatic keyboard

Play your Hermod+ with the integrated matrix keyboard and record your performance, without using an external controller.

Editing made simple.

Fluid workflow with a redesigned Step mode

Step mode is where you can edit notes, modulations and gate events. Hermod+ offers quick ways to write melodies and rhythms. Zoom in and out to visualize and edit portions of your track precisely and break free from rigid grid sequencing.

The re–designed piano roll editor makes the vertical and horizontal scrolling easier and faster, while the new "row edit" feature allows for quick chords and drum patterns programming.

Create modulation curves by programming them directly on Hermod+ or by recording incoming signals, and send those curves via CV or MIDI to other parts of your system.

Versatile interface.

Polymorphic layouts for perfect integration

Hermod+ can adapt its voice layout to any patching scenario. Depending on your needs, any track can become a modulation output, a monophonic CV/Gate track, a polyphonic MIDI track, ...

For a track of CV/Gate note + velocity + aftertouch, or for a polyphonic CV/Gate track, simply group voices using the desired layout.

Take advantage of the 8 dedicated MIDI tracks, that can record and be programmed independently from the 8 CV/Gate tracks.

Special effects.

Experiment with dynamic effects

Up to 8 real–time effects per track with creative parameters and generative features. Hermod+ is the canvas, the paint and the brush of your setup

Advanced features


Integrated tuner for simplified oscillators tuning. This advanced tuner algorithm is highly reliable, even for complex and variable waveforms.

Time controller

Either Hermod is the follower or the leader, you can rely on its solid timing precision. Receive, compute & send a large variety of MIDI/GATE clocks & sync signals. We also added 2 dedicated gate outputs to generate various clocks and sync signals.


Play or program notes on the TRSP leader track to transpose other selected tracks of the project.

Generative music

Generates patterns on the fly through the pattern generator, in a controlled-randomized way.

Trigger advance

Using a Gate input, launch (from a clock, a footswitch, ...) the playing of a defined number of steps.


As each track can have its own LFO effect (synced or not), you can transform your Hermod+ into an 8–voice LFO module!

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