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Heritage Audio Synth Buddy
  • Heritage Audio Synth Buddy
  • Heritage Audio Synth Buddy
  • Heritage Audio Synth Buddy
  • Heritage Audio Synth Buddy
Heritage Audio Synth Buddy
Heritage Audio Synth Buddy Heritage Audio Synth Buddy Heritage Audio Synth Buddy Heritage Audio Synth Buddy

Heritage Audio Synth Buddy

Introducing the very first desktop 10 to 1 reversible and fully passive stereo switch, the SYNTH BUDDY is one of the first Heritage Audio’s studio essential tools to help you increase your creativity.

199,00 CHF
jetzt vorbestellen


Introducing the very first desktop 10 to 1 reversible and fully passive stereo switch, the SYNTH BUDDY is one of the first Heritage Audio’s studio essential tools to help you increase your creativity.

Seamlessly connect up to 10 stereo (or 20 mono) line level sources and toggle between them with the turn of a knob. As simple as that. 

THE SYNTH BUDDY’S all passive design ensures crystal clear line level signals with no added coloration, straight from your mind to the song with no power source required.


Have you ever had a great idea that suddenly popped into your head disappear by the time you are all setup and ready to record?

When creativity hits there is no time for plugging cables and switching gear… and that is precisely the idea behind the SYNTH BUDDY.

Have everything connected and available at the twist of a knob. You can even use the SYNTH BUDDY backwards turning it into a 1 input 10 output selector so you can easily run one guitar or bass into several amps or effects. The applications are endless!


  • Inputs: 10 x Stereo / 20 x Mono TS Jacks.
  • Outputs: 1 x Stereo / 2 x Mono TS Jacks.
  • Inputs and outputs reversible.
  • Full passive circuit.
  • Weight: 988 gr.
  • Dimensions: L: 190mm x D: 105mm x H: 80mm.

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