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Joranalogue Cycle 5
  • Joranalogue Cycle 5
Joranalogue Cycle 5

Joranalogue Cycle 5

A small Eurorack oscillator that packs a punch: that’s the best way to summarise Cycle 5.

At the heart of Cycle 5 is a refined high-stability triangle core voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), delivering performance that rivals or surpasses larger and more expensive oscillator modules.

195,00 CHF
auf Anfrage

A small Eurorack oscillator that packs a punch: that’s the best way to summarise Cycle 5.

At the heart of Cycle 5 is a refined high-stability triangle core voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), delivering performance that rivals or surpasses larger and more expensive oscillator modules.

Instead of a coarse frequency knob, a 7-position octave switch is provided. This in combination with a perfect fifth transposition switch and factory pitch tuning, makes Cycle 5 an exceptionally straightforward and musical VCO to use: simply centre the fine tune knob, and the module will be instantly tuned to reference C.

Meanwhile, its dual precision volt per octave inputs add a great deal of versatility. For example, one could be used for pitch sequencing and the other as a generic exponential FM input, or both sequenced together for transposition effects—the dual inputs serving as a built-in precision adder.

Sporting all the classic waveforms, ranging from sine wave, triangle, saw and square/pulse, as well as a hard sync input and low frequency oscillator (LFO) mode, Cycle 5 makes for a real workhorse VCO. The novel trigonometric waveshaper results in a very clean sine wave, ideal for sub bass duty.

Cycle 5’s highlight, however, is its vari-wave feature. By adjusting the vari-wave knob, the waveform on the matching output will smoothly morph from sine, to triangle, saw, square and finally a very narrow pulse. The vari-wave parameter can be CV controlled, up to audio frequencies for some intense timbres.

Equally at home as a modest modulation companion to big VCOs, as being in the spotlight in miniature or polyphonic systems, Cycle 5 might just be the most multi-talented tiny analogue oscillator yet.

  • High-stability precision analogue triangle-core VC(LF)O.
  • Octave and perfect fifth switches—all intermediate frequencies can be reached using the front panel controls.
  • Dual volt per octave FM inputs.
  • Outputs: sine, triangle, saw, square/pulse (PWM) and vari-wave, smoothly morphing between all waveforms.
  • Reset (hard oscillator sync) input.
  • Wide frequency range: 48 mHz (20 seconds) to 3.7 kHz.
  • Don't waste time tuning: pre-tuned for 0 V = C.
  • Impedance-compensated outputs with dual-colour vari-wave LED.
  • Trim potentiometers accessible from the front panel.
  • Precision-milled 2 mm anodised aluminium front panel with high-resolution, non-erasable graphics.
  • Bullet-proof design: polarised power header and MOSFET protection circuit.
  • Includes 16-to-10-pin Eurorack power ribbon cable.
  • Premium mounting hardware: black screws, black nylon washers and matching hex key.
  • High-quality components and assembly; designed and made in Belgium.

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