- Neu

Introducing SSL 18, the first-ever rackmount USB audio interface from Solid State Logic. Developed from our unmatched expertise in analogue and digital design, SSL 18 offers exceptional audio performance with a studio-session-ready feature set, delivered with the signature SSL sound and premium quality that professionals trust. Welcome to a new era in rack mount interface performance.
A new era has begun
Introducing SSL 18, the first-ever rackmount USB audio interface from Solid State Logic. Developed from our unmatched expertise in analogue and digital design, SSL 18 offers exceptional audio performance with a studio-session-ready feature set, delivered with the signature SSL sound and premium quality that professionals trust. Welcome to a new era in rack mount interface performance.
SSL 18 raises expectations for a 19” USB audio interface in its class. Superior 32-bit next-gen converters, high-performance SSL-designed mic pre’s, advanced digital mixer, Legacy 4K analogue enhancement, and a complete set of digital I/O. Whether you are recording, producing or mixing, SSL 18 enhances production workflow while elevating the performance of your creative space – it’s the ultimate centrepiece for your studio.
Best-In-Class Audio Performance:
Next-generation 32-bit/192 kHz converters provide the platform for SSL 18’s analogue design to shine, with unrivalled dynamic range performance of 120 dB across all microphone, line-level and instrument inputs – capture your sources like never before. Experience 125 dB dynamic range on the monitor and line outputs to hear your music with uncompromised fidelity. Need to work on headphones? No problem, with the unbeatable 120 dB dynamic range on offer from the dual-headphone outputs.
32-bit / 192 kHz / Unrivalled Analogue and Digital Performance
8 x SSL-designed Mic/line inputs:
SSL 18 features eight high-performance SSL-designed mic pre’s, with switchable Mic/Line configuration. Leveraging our renowned engineering expertise, they deliver ultra-low noise recordings and a huge dynamic range, making sure you capture every detail of the performance with stunning accuracy. Their advanced 2-stage circuitry ensures ultra-low distortion while maintaining the natural character of the source – or flip them into Legacy 4K Mode to add real analogue saturation and the iconic 4000 series sound to vocals, drums, and more. Located on the front of the unit, inputs 1 & 2 also offer instrument/Hi-Z inputs to capture DI’d guitars and vintage synths/drum machines.
120 dB Dynamic Range / -130.5 dBu EIN / Legacy 4K Analogue Enhancement
10 x line-outputs:
SSL 18 comes equipped with ten balanced line-level outputs located on the rear of the unit. To ensure optimal signal integrity and maximise headroom, line outputs 1&2 and 3&4 can be configured between +9 and +24 dBu. This ensures seamless compatibility with a wide range of studio monitors and vintage equipment operating at lower levels. Outputs 3 to 10 operate at +24 dBu, perfect for integrating professional outboard equipment. For producers, all outputs are DC-coupled and capable of sending control voltage to synthesizers and modular rigs.
125 dB Dynamic Range / +24 dBu operating levels / Main & Alt Speaker Switching / DC-Coupled Outputs
Dual High-Performance Headphone Outputs:
Custom headphone mixes with two independent headphone outputs, configurable for different types with 'Standard,' 'High Sensitivity,' and 'High Impedance' settings. SSL 18's headphone outputs can also be repurposed as line-level outputs for added flexibility.
120dB Dynamic Range / Dual independent outputs / Configurable headphone modes
4K Legacy analogue enhancement:
The SSL 4000 series consoles (often referred to as ‘4K’) are renowned for imparting a unique ‘mojo’ to sounds and instruments that pass through them. This mojo comes from multiple stages of harmonic distortion from compressor VCAs, VCA faders, and other crucial components such as the transistor mix amps. Using modern components, SSL has developed a circuit that distils the two essential characteristics of the 4K sound into a single design. Legacy 4K Analogue Enhancement injects a controlled amount of finely tuned, sweet-sounding harmonic distortion and a ‘forward’ yet musical high-frequency EQ boost into the signal path, giving your sound the 4K mojo and presence that artists and engineers have loved for decades.
Real Analogue Saturation / Musical High-Frequency Boost / Immortal 4K sound
Complete digital I/O:
A host of digital audio connections means that SSL 18 is ready to expand your I/O count whenever you are, with an additional 16 channels via ADAT and a further two via S/PDIF. SSL 18’s dedicated Word clock output provides rock-solid clocking for integrating external digital devices into your system
16 Channels of ADAT I/O + 2 Channels S/PDIF I/O / Word clock output
Monitor Controller + Talkback w/Listen Mic Compressor:
SSL 18 features a full monitor controller section with built-in talkback input. Line outputs 1&2 and 3&4 offer alternative speaker switching with Alt, Talk and Cut accessible via the monitor controls located on the front panel. Alternatively, customise the monitor controls via SSL 360 and tailor them to your workflow. Switch the talkback input into LINE mode and re-process audio through the classic Listen Mic Compressor, perfect for crushing drums, parallel vocals, and more.
Configurable monitoring section / Alt monitor switching / Talkback input with Mic or Line mode + Legendary LMC analogue compressor
SSL 18 mixer, powered by SSL 360:
The SSL 18 mixer offers comprehensive management of all inputs and outputs, as well as detailed, scalable input metering in the 360 Software. Create and manage the control room monitor mix. Configure a further four monitor mixes for performers. In addition, a flexible Mirror Routing system allows you to route any input or aux master directly to an output – perfect for feeding personal monitoring systems, external metering and outboard FX. Create different templates for tracking, mixing and more, then save them as a profile in the SSL 18 mixer.
SSL Production Pack:
SSL has been helping world-class artists, producers and engineers make great music and audio for decades. They know it’s crucial to have the right tools for the job, so SSL has partnered with some of the industry's key brands to offer you the SSL Production Pack, bundled free with registered SSL 18 audio interfaces. Featuring a selection of must-have virtual instruments, plug-ins, samples and DAW, fuel your creativity and bring your productions to life with the SSL Production Pack (worth over $1400).
CA Complete Access 6 Month Trial Included with SSL 18
As an eligible SSL interface owner, claim 6 months FREE Complete Access subscription. Featuring every plug-in from Solid State Logic, Slate Digital and Harrison Audio, Complete Access gives you all of the software tools you need to make your next hit.
Key features:
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