erica synths Black Polivoks VCF V2
Erica Synths Black Polivoks VCF is one of the most authentic sounding emulations of the famous Russian synth the Formanta Radio Factory Polivoks.
2TE schmale Version des A-180 Multiples-Moduls. Es ist ein passiver Signalverteiler, der für Audio wie CVs geeignet ist. Zwei mal vier Buchsen sind miteinander verbunden, durch setzen einer Lötbrücke kann man uach alle acht Buchsen zu einem 1x8-Multiple verbinden.
2x 4 miteinander verbundene 3,5mm-Buchsen
3HE Eurorack-Modul, 2TE breit, 10mm tief
Passiv = kein Stromverbrauch
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Erica Synths Black Polivoks VCF is one of the most authentic sounding emulations of the famous Russian synth the Formanta Radio Factory Polivoks.
PPEXP1 & PPEXP2 are two expander modules for Pamela’s PRO Workout that both offer additional dedicated fixed clock, Din Sync & MIDI clock outputs.
Intellijels Tetrapad lässt sich ähnlich flexibel nutzen wie die Touch-Oberfläche eines Tablets.
Mob of Emus is a powerful music and sound design tool that packs an enormous amount of creative power into an amazingly compact 16HP module.
Das ist die WMD Synchrodyne Expand, mit der WMD ein bisschen verrückt geworden ist. Aber sie dachten sich, wenn man das Original versteht, will man immer tiefer gehen. Dafür ist der Expand konzipiert.
Test 3 is a purpose-designed tool for measuring voltages and currents in your Eurorack system. This means that just a single circuit board or module can now replace a convoluted test setup with multiple multimeters, custom cables etc.
The MFX is a compact 6HP Eurorack stereo digital audio multi effects processor. It offers 16 different full featured effects programs plus a number of metering utilities.
While modular synthesisers are most often used as stand-alone instruments, they also present exciting opportunities for processing external signals. Anything from an electric guitar to an effects send on a studio mixing desk can benefit from the unique sonic capabilities of even a modest Eurorack system.
For anyone who has ever struggled with finding their way around a Eurorack synthesiser on a dark stage or a dimly lit studio, Dim 2 presents an illuminating experience. In just 4 HP, it provides a complete solution to upgrade your modular system with a pair of dimmable console lights.
Motion MTR allow you to mix, attenuate and invert signals while having clear visual feedback of their levels.
Das TAI–4 ist die hochwertige Schnittstelle Deines Eruorack-Systems zur Außenwelt. Es bietet jeweils zwei Ein- und Ausgangskanäle, um symmetrische Signale ins Modularsystem einzuspeisen bzw. um, umgekehrt, unsymmetrische Signale innerhalb des Modularsystems zu symmetrieren und für die externe Weiterverarbeitung bereitzustellen.
Ringmodulator mit Biss! – Ericas Fusion Ring Modulator V2 liefert kernigen Sound mit Röhren-Touch. Die Schaltung kann sowohl saubere wie auch hart verzerrte Ergebnisse liefern. Via Schalter lässt sich zwischen brillantem und dunklem Klangcharakter wählen. – Ein Ringmodulator der Spitzenklasse!
Sometimes you just need a quick audio mixer; a voltage offset; a CV mixer; an attenuator; an attenuverter; or just a voltage. Mix and match to your needs.
Mid Thing v2 is a flexible MIDI to CV converter. Allowing polyphonic notes handling, envelope and LFO generation as well as all available MIDI messages to be converted into CV. This is a huge upgrade from our previous beloved MIDI Thing, which adds a screen for easy configuration, 12 assignable ports, TRS, USB Host and Device, MIDI merge OUT, a web configuration tool, and a VCV rack bridge counterpart.
’Pamela’s PRO Workout’ is a compact programmable clocked modulation source for your Eurorack modular synthesiser system. It provides 8 highly editable outputs producing various control voltage signals, all correlated and synced to a BPM based master clock.