Bjooks Patch & Tweak
The new book about modular synths, their makers, and masters. Patching secrets, performance tips, history, modules, and techniques.
The DATA is a digital platform for testing, measurement, and signal generation in Eurorack modular synthesis systems. It is a modular tool kit, with functions applicable to any system and style.
The DATA is a digital platform for testing, measurement, and signal generation in Eurorack modular synthesis systems. It is a modular tool kit, with functions applicable to any system and style.
Use the DATA’s scope to view the interactions between your control voltages and audio signals, allowing you to master your modules by understanding their voltage ranges, control shapes, and parameter responses. Use the DATA’s dual waveform generator to dial in a precisely scaled LFO for CV control, or use the waveform’s frequency “note mode” to effortlessly make dyads (two note chords). Use the DATA’s clock program as a master clock or to divide or multiply an incoming clock signal, sending four different clock outs to gate modules directly or as control to sequencers.
The possibilities of the DATA are basically unlimited; with the included microSD you can update the DATA’s firmware and we can continue to refine and create new programs.
The DATA ships with the 7 following functions, and there's more to come!
4 Channel Oscilloscope
Voltage Monitor with Quad Voltage & Gate Source
Dual Waveform Generator
Quad Clock Source with Clock Division, Multiplication & Offset
Spectral Analyzer (single-FFT)
Spectrograph (multi-FFT)
Tech Specs
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