ALM BusyCircuits mmMidi
The mmMidi is a simple & compact MIDI to CV interface for your Eurorack synthesiser.
The Joystick is a compact two axis attenuverting (attenuator-inverter) joystick controller.
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The mmMidi is a simple & compact MIDI to CV interface for your Eurorack synthesiser.
Expand the functionality of the Quadrax with eight additional gate/trigger outputs.
Select 2 lässt sich als Festspannungsquelle, Schalt-, Mute- oder Haltestufe, Invertierungswerkzeug, Abschwächer, Offset-Generator, Mixer und zur Addierung beziehungsweise Subtraktion von Signalen einsetzen.
The PrssPnt music synthesizer module is a controller in which several signals are generated by touching the printed copper wire at the bottom of the instrument. Touching PrssPnt, you become part of the circuit, generating a total of four simultaneous signals (two CV, two Gate).
Das legendäre Buchla 257-Modul im Eurorack-Format
Das wirklich einzigartige Shuttle Control ist in erster Linie ein frei konfigurierbarer Wandler von USB-MIDI zu CV/Gate/Clock mit 16 Ausgängen. Über zwei USB-Anschlüsse kann man z.B. USB-Keyboards anschließen und (jetzt folgt der Knaller) über den "to device"-Anschluss direkt einTablet mit Controllersoftware, das nicht mal MIDI-fähig sein muß... oder einen PC/Mac!
Das Modul A-190-5 ist ein 4-stimmiges Midi/USB-to-CV/Gate-Interface.
The Mutant Brain is the central nervous system connecting your modular analog eurorack system to MIDI gear, especially for percussion, polyphonic notes, and sync duties! It packs 16 eurorack compatible outputs into a tiny, super affordable 8HP package.
Das ist die WMD Synchrodyne Expand, mit der WMD ein bisschen verrückt geworden ist. Aber sie dachten sich, wenn man das Original versteht, will man immer tiefer gehen. Dafür ist der Expand konzipiert.
It includes a stereo line input converter for incorporating line level external sources into a Eurorack system, a fixed 4 input mixer with breakout attenuator for combining signals, a gated slew limiter for adding slides to sequences, a sample and hold with analog white noise with a myriad of uses such as generative melodies or producing percussive textures and finally a buffered mult for droop free signal distribution with handy LEDs to monitor.
Eurorack is a synthesist’s toy chest. Stompboxes are a guitarist’s toy chest. Each industry offers a seemingly infinite variety of products that enable musicians to build systems unique to their needs and to create a signature sound. Each is also somewhat addictive. Rare is the musician who doesn’t eventually need a larger toy chest to house the accumulated toys.
’Pamela’s PRO Workout’ is a compact programmable clocked modulation source for your Eurorack modular synthesiser system. It provides 8 highly editable outputs producing various control voltage signals, all correlated and synced to a BPM based master clock.