erica synths Black Output V2
Erica Synths Black Output is a high quality output mixer and a stereo panner with balanced outputs and headphone amplifier for monitoring your modular masterpieces.
Cv thing is a fully mapeable CV to MIDI converter in just 6HP. Its based on our VCMC module, but aiming for small and compact performance rigs. It has eight inputs that can be mapped to any MIDI message quite easily thanks to its simple and intuitive user interface. Ccs, Program change ,v/oct to Note or Clock are some of the messages that can be configured to easily control MIDI gear from your modular rig.
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Erica Synths Black Output is a high quality output mixer and a stereo panner with balanced outputs and headphone amplifier for monitoring your modular masterpieces.
Out is a 1U stereo output module designed to convert audio signals from your modular to line-levels. The module is designed to be used on cases with onboard Jack connectors or Intellijel 7U and Palette series, as it uses the same pinout. The module also includes a high-quality Headphone amplifier with an auxiliar monitoring CUE input.
Erica Pico A LOGIC module is our CERN Hadron Collider for CVs! It takes two incoming CVs and outputs momentary SUM and DIFFERENCE of both CVs, as well as follows curves MAXIMUM and MINIMUM values of both CVs. Try to patch audio signals into both inputs and get distinct ringmodulation and waveshaping effects!
Das ist die WMD Synchrodyne Expand, mit der WMD ein bisschen verrückt geworden ist. Aber sie dachten sich, wenn man das Original versteht, will man immer tiefer gehen. Dafür ist der Expand konzipiert.
It includes a stereo line input converter for incorporating line level external sources into a Eurorack system, a fixed 4 input mixer with breakout attenuator for combining signals, a gated slew limiter for adding slides to sequences, a sample and hold with analog white noise with a myriad of uses such as generative melodies or producing percussive textures and finally a buffered mult for droop free signal distribution with handy LEDs to monitor.
At its heart lies an analogue 1-to-8 signal switch feeding an octet of high-stability track/sample-and-hold stages. Each of these has its own analogue output with an attenuation slider, in addition to a gate output. LEDs visualise the status of each stage in real time. The switch can be controlled sequentially using the built-in 8-step counter, or addressed directly by an analogue control voltage (CV).
Erica Synths Pico INPUT module is just what you need to interface your modular system with external synths or even your mp3 player or mobile phone.
The BXx2 is a dual channel preamp, EQ and mixer based on the classic Boss BX series mixers. Well loved for their unique character and musicality, the sound of the BX is found throughout countless techno records from the 80s & 90s.
Das Modul A-115 ist ein vierstufiger Frequenzteiler (engl. frequency divider). Die Frequenz eines Signals am Eingang wird halbiert (halbe Frequenz = 1. Suboktave), geviertelt (1/4 Frequenz = 2. Suboktave), usw.. Auf diese Weise erzeugt der DIVIDER vier Suboktaven (F/2 bis F/16).
Das legendäre Buchla 266-Modul im Eurorack-Format. CV-gesteuerter quantisierter Zufallsgenerator.