PATCH & TWEAK with Moog is the ultimate resource for Moog synthesizer enthusiasts and musicians of all skill levels interested in an immersive modular synthesis experience.
The Book for Fans of Moog and Modular Synths
PATCH & TWEAK with Moog is the ultimate resource for Moog synthesizer enthusiasts and musicians of all skill levels interested in an immersive modular synthesis experience.
Opening with a foreword from acclaimed film score composer Hans Zimmer, this hardcover book by Kim Bjørn features 200 pages full of synthesizer techniques, creative patch ideas, sound design tips, professional artist interviews, in-depth discussions with Moog engineers, and a glimpse into the company's remarkable history. The book's primary focus is Moog's well-loved line of semi-modular analog synthesizers: Mother-32, DFAM, Subharmonicon, Grandmother, and Matriarch.
30 In-Depth Artist & Engineer Interviews
PATCH & TWEAK with Moog brings readers inside the creative minds of composers, producers, and performing artists like Suzanne Ciani, Trent Reznor, Lisa Bella Donna, Paris Strother, Hannes Bieger, Stranger Things composers Michael Stein and Kyle Dixon, and Moog synthesizer co-inventor Herb Deutsch in detailed interviews featuring patching tips and tricks for musicians of all skill levels.
PATCH & TWEAK with Moog Features:
PATCH & TWEAK with Moog is the result of more than a year of extensive collaboration between Moog employees, author Kim Bjørn, editor Mike Metlay, electronic music icons, and established and emerging artists.
PATCH & TWEAK with Moog has the same big and square format as our first three books and is also the first in a series with a specific focus. We cut down on the number of pages to create a more affordable, but still immensely interesting entry to our books and passion for electronic music instruments, their makers and masters.
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The new book about modular synths, their makers, and masters. Patching secrets, performance tips, history, modules, and techniques.
NEW Updated 2021-version with stunning new print and paper quality! Featuring more than 30 new or updated instruments — including the Polyend Tracker, the new Haken Continuum models, ASM Hydrasynth, Sensel Morph, Novation Launchpad X, and many others.
PUSH TURN MOVE is a brand new book on electronic music instruments and a must-have for every synth and design freak.
PEDAL CRUSH explores guitar effects pedals as a tool for everyone: showing how all musicians – producers, DJs, instrumentalists, vocalists and of course guitarists – can benefit creatively from using stompboxes in different ways.