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  • 78,00 CHF - 345,00 CHF





23 Artikel gefunden

1 - 16 von 23 Artikel(n)

Aktive Filter

ALM BusyCircuits MEGA-TANG

The ‘MEGA-TANG’ is a 4-channel linear VCA and stereo mixer providing per input control over level, effect send, pan and muting. Designed for live use in mind with a simple & compact layout, the ‘MEGA-TANG’ builds on the clean and transparent sounding Tangle Quartet VCA by adding a stereo mix output, effect sends (mono send with a stereo return) which pair great with the MFX, manual panning, soft mute buttons with LED indicators and an expansion port for future expandability.

290,00 CHF

ALM BusyCircuits Tangle Quartet

‘Tangle Quartet’ is a high quality quad linear voltage controlled amplifier (VCA) providing individual level control of 4 signal inputs with both individual outputs and a combined ‘mix’ output (for non patched outputs) .

185,00 CHF

Erica Synths Black 3109 VCF/VCA

The Erica Synths Black 3109 VCF/VCA is a lowpass filter and voltage-controlled amplifier combo built around the AS3109 VCF integrated circuit, a contemporary version of the IR3109 chip, found on vintage Roland synths such as the Jupiter series, Juno series and the SH-101.

165,00 CHF

Erica Synths Black LPG

Erica Synths Black LPG is our take on Lowpass Gate idea – it’s designed from scratch featuring 2nd order lowpass VCF (the original Buchla lowpass gate was 1st order VCF) and VCA combo with distinct resonance circuit on top.

185,00 CHF

Erica Synths Black Quad VCA2

Erica Synths Black Quad VCA, despite its compact size, is designed in line with the Black Series Hi-Fi philosophy, our custom pre-emphasis – de-emphasis circuits preserve all the nuances of the original signal.

245,00 CHF

Intellijel Amps

Amps contains two precision linear VCAs that have been carefully designed to offer a wealth of flexibility and additional functionality. The front panel controls and signal normals allow these two VCAs to also be configured to function as: line level boosters, crossfaders, ring modulators, mixers, and much more.  They can also be chained together by way of an included cable to form larger, more complex systems.

169,00 CHF

Intellijel Quad VCA

Der Quad VCA besteht aus vier analogen Verstärkerschaltungen, ihre Kennlinie kann zwischen linearer und exponentieller Charakteristik überblendet werden.

205,00 CHF

Intellijel Tangrams

Snappy, classically analog envelopes with visually intuitive controls. Add a powerful, cv controllable cyclical gate generator,  integrated VCA, and trigger buttons —then double it—now you've got Tangrams.

255,00 CHF