4ms MetaModule
The MetaModule puts real knobs and jacks on virtual software modules. Step back from the computer and make music with hardware, while keeping the flexibility and expandability of software.
The MetaModule puts real knobs and jacks on virtual software modules. Step back from the computer and make music with hardware, while keeping the flexibility and expandability of software.
‘O/A/x2’ is a dual channel attenuverter with each channel also including a bipolar voltage offset and LED monitoring.
Morphader is a performative tool designed to make multichannel CV/Audio crossfade easy and comfortable. Fading from one quad CV/audio scene to another. The core of the module has four CV controlled crossfaders, each with their individual control and a master fader to control them all. The module mixes the four crossfades at its fourth output, thanks to a clever normalization scheme. Each of them can be easily removed from the mix by plugging a cable at its own output.
Gliss is a 4 HP Eurorack module using a recordable touch sensor to introduce gestural control into modular systems.
Das Modul A-115 ist ein vierstufiger Frequenzteiler (engl. frequency divider). Die Frequenz eines Signals am Eingang wird halbiert (halbe Frequenz = 1. Suboktave), geviertelt (1/4 Frequenz = 2. Suboktave), usw.. Auf diese Weise erzeugt der DIVIDER vier Suboktaven (F/2 bis F/16).