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  • 0,00 CHF - 4.999,00 CHF



Basis Systeme

Basis Systeme

22 Artikel gefunden

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Erica Synths Bullfrog

Created by Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin, Bullfrog is an educational electronic music instrument designed to captivate and inspire both youth and professionals alike. Bullfrog invites you to unlock musicality while combining the thrill of electronic music production with a comprehensive learning experience.

590,00 CHF

Erica Synths Bullfrog XL

Bullfrog invites you to unlock your musicality while combining the thrill of electronic music production with a comprehensive learning experience. Bullfrog XL is designed specifically for teachers to use in front of the classroom and it expands the concept of the regular Bullfrog by inflating its size by a factor of 3 (literally!).

1.749,00 CHF

Erica Synths Techno System

Erica Synths Techno System is the ultimate tool for rhythm based music production, live performances and sound design. The drum modules are internally patched to the sequencer, so they receive trigger and accent signals even without patching relevant patch cables therefore allowing you to fully focus on the audio signal patching. With a bit of imagination you’ll find that it’s not limited to specific music genres — it just depends on your creativity in patching and settings of modules. The potential is unlimited!

4.390,00 CHF

Intellijel Cascadia

A deep and flexible semi-modular mono synth, it was developed by a team of veteran synth aficionados to be the realization of their collective dream. It is a synthesist’s synthesizer — a well-considered, finely-honed, stand-alone instrument capable of both nuance and bombast. You are never more than a slider away from turning sweet into raucous, or a patch cable removed from corrupting the virtuous into the wicked.

2.299,00 CHF

Make Noise Bruxa

The Bruxa music synthesizer module is an audio alchemical experiment. Spill your sound into time, and let it decay through the filters to hear the results.

429,00 CHF

Make Noise Strega

Strega is an audio alchemical experiment. Activate! Spill the tonic into time and let time decay through the filter to hear the results. 

649,00 CHF

MakeNoise ReSynthesizer

The ReSynthesizer can trace its origins to Spring 2023, with Walker and Rodent putting together a collection of modules to announce and demonstrate the Soundhack Spectraphon at Superbooth ‘23. We knew that these modules would need to complement Spectraphon in a way that would show its true capabilities. As such, this specialized layout comprised a single-system overview of the last 8 years of Make Noise module designs.

4.999,00 CHF

Moog Grandmother

Inspiriert von den klassischen Moog-Modularsynthesizern von früher, sind Grandmothers Sound- und Modulations-Engine sowie der interne Federhall zu 100% analog, was zu einem uneingeschränkten Klangvokabular von unermesslicher Schönheit führt. Darüber hinaus bietet Grandmother einen einfach zu bedienenden Arpeggiator/Sequenzer für jede Menge zusätzlichen Spass.

1.195,00 CHF

Moog Labyrinth

Labyrinth ist ein semimodulares Instrument und eine Ideenmaschine, die vertraute und gleichzeitig neue Muster, Layers und Texturen erzeugt. Zwei generative Sequenzer erwecken Klänge zum Leben, die sich im Laufe der Zeit entfalten und deren Entwicklung und Skala gesteuert werden kann, um sie dann zu markanten polymetrischen Melodien zu kombinieren. Mit seinen parallelen analogen Signalwegen kann dieses einzigartige Instrument den statischen Charakter eines Drum-Patterns oder einer Bassline hervorragend aufwerten. Labyrinth kann für sich alleinstehen oder ein bestehendes Rack ergänzen und ist sowohl in einem Live-Set als auch im Zentrum eines einfachen Schlafzimmerstudios zu Hause. Labyrinth ist wie ein geheimnisvoller Flaschengeist, der eine Studiosession immer tiefer in unentdeckte kreative Tiefen führt.

699,00 CHF

Moog Mavis

Mavis ist ein einfacher, analoger Synthesizer-Bausatz, der die enorme Klangfülle, für die Moog bekannt ist, in einem kompakten und funktionsreichen Instrument bietet.

299,00 CHF