Akai MPC Key 37
Das AKAI Professional MPC Key 37 ist eine eigenständige Keyboard-Workstation, die alles hat, was man zum Produzieren von Musik braucht.
ENNER is a very expressive sound tool that can generate bits, pads, FX, noises, clicks, glitches, but also function as a cool vocal mic with built-in analog FX and much more! A musician with a rich imagination and who’s experienced in playing ENNER can perform an entire exciting gig using just this synth.
ENNER is a very expressive sound tool that can generate bits, pads, FX, noises, clicks, glitches, but also function as a cool vocal mic with built-in analog FX and much more! A musician with a rich imagination and who’s experienced in playing ENNER can perform an entire exciting gig using just this synth.
As an instrument, ENNER is a unique analog synthesizer with the key principle being that all signals that make sound pass through and are managed by your body. Your hands become the central part of the circuitry. Touching different contact pads with different parts of your fingers and palms with different amounts of pressure, letting signals pass through your body defines the mixing, volume, timbre, feedback and other parameters of synthesis. Human skin has much more complex electric properties than we think. Our skin provides not just resistance but also some capacitive properties and even nonlinear dependence of conductivity from current, its direction and time during which the current was applied. All of this affects the sound, making you the key part of the synthesis process.
All pots of ENNER are metallic and also function as inputs or outputs. Touching a pot can change not only the parameters but also patch the audio signals.
ENNER consist of:
All of these features make ENNER a simple yet powerful kit of sound sources and FX that give you a rich and diverse sound palette with many possible playing techniques that you can change very fast as there is no other control over the sound other than your touches.
ENNER was inspired by and developed together with Danish sound-artist SiSTOR (Dalin Waldo). She created the design of the front panel (pads layout and handwritten inscriptions) and she came up with the name ENNER.
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