Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora
  • Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora
  • Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora
  • Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora
  • Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora
Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora
Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora

Qu-Bit Electronix Aurora

Welcome to Aurora, a spectral reverb capable of a wide palette of sounds: from lush caverns and whale songs, to alien textures you've never created before. And likely, will invoke a hunger for exploration you felt when you first touched a modular synth.

395,00 CHF
Sofort lieferbar

Reverb. Well...kind of.

Welcome to Aurora, a spectral reverb capable of a wide palette of sounds: from lush caverns and whale songs, to alien textures you've never created before. And likely, will invoke a hunger for exploration you felt when you first touched a modular synth.

Aurora uses a phase vocoder audio engine which separates the input signal's time and pitch domains. By blurring these signals you can achieve beautiful time-stretched tails, or cybernetic metallic effects.

Since Aurora’s sonic response is entirely dependent on the input signal, no two patches will sound alike, lending itself to an infinite world of surprise and discovery.

Discovery. It’s why we are all here.

A portion of all Aurora proceeds will help the fight against shrinking ice caps and dwindling polar bear populations.

  • Spectral reverb with true stereo audio IO
  • Phase vocoder audio engine running at 48kHz, 24-bit
  • Time stretched tails, icy shimmers, and voltage controlled whale songs
  • Front panel USB port provides easy firmware updates, user options, and more
  • Powered by the Daisy Audio Platform

Tech Specs

  • Width: 12HP
  • Depth: 22mm
  • Power Consumption: +12V=215mA, -12V=5mA, +5V=0mA

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