Hexmix System is a six channel performance mixer specially designed for Eurorack.
The system has two separate modules, the core of the mixer: Hexmix that has six channels with three band EQ, mute, pan and EQ section on the master, and Hexpander that add three auxiliar sends per channel, PFL, individual outs and balanced output.
The mixer has a strong inspiration in classical DJ mixers, providing sharp EQ’s for enhanced performance, auxilliar send for effects and individual outputs to record your performance per channel.
The system is designed to be placed in 6U, instead of the traditional 3U paradigm in Eurorack. So we will have every feature for each channel vertically as a conventional tabletop mixing deck.
Six channel mixer with three band EQ, vactrol mutes, pan and volume control per channel.
Inputs for every channel are located at left side of Hexmix. Each jack is normalized to a VCA Expander connection in the back, so if you have a Hexmix VCA , you will have the output of each VCA to every input. connecting a jack in any input will disconnect whatever is coming from VCA.
Gain is set to unity, so it will act as an attenuator of the input signal. Mutes are clickless, as they are vactrol based. This circuit provide some decay on the mutes, rather than a sharp cut.
Swithces have latch position and momentary ones to unmute the channel, providing some really nice performative capabilities.
EQs are quite sharp (12dB) inspired in classic dj mixers to aggresively cut selected frequencies.
Master section has it’s own EQ and volume control for the mix of all channels. Master EQ is softer than individual channel’s (6dB) and it’s meant to provide control over the final mix.
It’s possible to change output level from line to synth with a switch located in the back.
This will be pretty useful when used in combination with hexpander, that provides a balanced out at line level. Like this its possible to have a mix at synth level to re-route the master signal while having an output to PA
By buying one of our kits you claim that you have the necessary knowledge to properly assemble and solve problems derived from it.
If you need further technical assistance please take a look to our basic troubleshooting guide.
In case you cannot get the module to work, DON'T PANIC! You can get our Happy Ending Pack that includes advanced troubleshooting, repair, technical service, parts and reshipping back to you.
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ChikiPower is a USB-C standalone Eurorack Power Supply designed to complement any DIY bench. ChikiPower can provide up to 400mA per rail with a 20W USB charger, making it perfect for driving small setups. Besides its tiny desktop format, Chikipower is a super reliable power supply offering over-voltage and short-circuit protection keeping your devices safe.
84TE Gewindestreifen inkl. Rails, schwarz oder silber. Die Rails werden mit je einer M4 Schraube je Seite in einem Case befestigt. 2 Stück im Set.
Ready to feed the most modern and power-hungry modules.
A 5A power solution, 28 slots powered by four high-quality DC-DC converters.