Tiptop Audio MISO

Tiptop Audio MISO

100,00 CHF
Sofort lieferbar

MISO is a multipurpose utility module, a laboratory for synthesizing control voltage signals and audio. MISO combines multiple CV tools into one module for making complex CV shapes at the output stage. The name comes from the the four main functions available: Mix, Invert, Scale, and Offset.

MISO’s 2 sections (1/2 IN and A/B IN) are identical. Each section has two inputs that can be used to Mix signals, Invert polarity/shape, Scale magnitude and Offset voltage. Each function can be used independently or simultaneously with the total shape summed to the mix output.

At the center of the module is another processor, an accurate smooth linear voltage-controlled crossfader that mixes equally between the outputs of the top and the bottom MISO sections. Feed the MISOs with envelopes, LFOs, Sequences to create new shapes and then crossfade them manually or with CV using the center section for even further complexity of shapes and animation of control signals. Crossfade between the waveforms of a VCO or audio samples with CV for more motion.

There are an endless number of ways to patch MISO with unexpected and inspiring results. MISO is the kind of module that gives modular synthesizers its incredible replay value, rewarding hours of creative explorations and its experimental and non-traditional mixing.

MISO offers a lot in a small comfortable module that matches Tiptop’s system look with clean white faceplate styling. A red/yellow indicator light next to each section makes it easy to see signals and visualize polarity.

Size: 10HP – Depth: 42mm – Power: +12V 55ma / -12V 55ma

Tiptop Audio

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