Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag
  • Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag
  • Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag
  • Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag
Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag
Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag

Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Soft Bag

carry your K.O. II with the custom soft bag made of lightweight nylon fabric and soft wadding. comes with an adjustable strap and K.O. II graphics printed on the front. the back is made of nylon mesh with a pocket to store accessories and cables.

69,00 CHF
auf Anfrage

carry your K.O. II with the custom soft bag made of lightweight nylon fabric and soft wadding. comes with an adjustable strap and K.O. II graphics printed on the front. the back is made of nylon mesh with a pocket to store accessories and cables.

  • color: silver grey
  • shell and lining: 100% recycled nylon
  • straps: 100% recycled polypropylene.
  • ykk zip & pull tab
  • dimensions: 200 mm x 260 mm x 20 mm

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