Rossum Electro-Music Mob of Emus

Rossum Electro-Music Mob of Emus

Mob of Emus is a powerful music and sound design tool that packs an enormous amount of creative power into an amazingly compact 16HP module. 

555,00 CHF
Auf Anfrage

Mob of Emus is a powerful music and sound design tool that packs an enormous amount of creative power into an amazingly compact 16HP module. 

Mob of Emus gives you six channels of oscillators, noise sources, cyclical and 1-shot modulators (including LFOs, envelopes, and various other shapes), sample and hold waveshapes, slow random modulators, triggers, rhythm patterns, and quantization (of both internal and external signals) in pretty much any combination (well, any combination of six channels, anyway).

In addition to being able to independently program the function of each individual channel, Mob of Emus’ Hex Mode provides a macro control layer that allows you to control all of its channels simultaneously (while maintaining the relationships of each channel’s independent programming).

What’s more, Mob of Emus’ “harmonic” control structure makes it extremely easy to combine its oscillators into rich additive timbres, to combine its LFOs into stacked harmonic low frequency modulation waves, and to create modulation sources and triggers with intricate polyrhythmic patterns.

With an external trigger input, six CV inputs that can operate in six different control modes, six independent outputs, and an assignable mix output, Mob of Emus can operate as the heart of an almost unlimited variety of patches. And its 8 real-time controls will give you immediate hands-on access to a channel’s (or all six channels’) key parameters, inviting (and rewarding) exploration and improvisation. 

Mob of Emus features include:

  • Six channels that can function independently or can be further controlled by a Hex Mode macro layer that lets you control all six simultaneously. Channels can be:
  • Wide-range digital oscillators
  • Noise sources
  • Cyclical and 1-shot modulators (including LFOs, envelopes, and various other shapes)
  • Sample and hold waveshapes
  • Slow random modulators
  • Triggers
  • Rhythm patterns
  • Quantizers (of both internal and external(!) signals) 
  • Six CV inputs that can function in six different control modes
  • Eight real-time controls for immediate access to key channel parameters
  • Six individual channel outputs and an assignable mix output
  • The ability to store and recall 12 user presets
  • And much more…

Mob of Emus is 16HP wide and 25mm deep.

Power requirements (max):  130mA +12V, 25mA -12V. Reverse polarity protected.

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