Fusion is an all-analogue 2U stereo outboard processor created for the modern hybrid studio. Fusion introduces five completely new analogue colouration tools designed to bring the perfect combination of added tonal character, weight and space to your mix bus or stereo stems, with the detail, warmth and finesse that only real analogue circuits can provide.
New colours from the masters of analogue. Fusion is an all-analogue 2U stereo outboard processor created for the modern hybrid studio. Fusion introduces five completely new analogue colouration tools designed to bring the perfect combination of added tonal character, weight and space to your mix bus or stereo stems, with the detail, warmth and finesse that only real analogue circuits can provide.
The SSL sonic legacy is built upon a much-emulated collection of analogue audio processing tools that have featured in generations of studio consoles; pristine mic pre’s, classic Channel EQ & Dynamics, the legendary Stereo Bus Compressor, the Listen Mic Compressor, and the unique SSL summing bus. Fusion takes SSL into a new era with the introduction of a suite of new analogue processing tools that offer exceptional tonal character and versatility. Fusion expands the processing palette for hybrid studio owners and is a superb partner for the SSL Stereo Bus Compressor.
Fusion features five analogue processors that can be used discretely or combined:
Vintage Drive Vintage Drive - is a unique non-linear harmonic enhancement circuit that brings cohesion and strength to your mix. Drive and Density controls interact to produce harmonic saturation and soft compression derived from overloading an analogue circuit. It can be used lightly for subtle thickening saturation or driven hard for more extreme distortion.
The Violet EQ The SSL Violet EQ - an all-new minimum phase-shift, two-band shelving EQ. The first new SSL analogue EQ circuit for more than 25 years draws on the SSL legacy of carefully selected frequencies and response curves to create a musical and intuitive EQ designed to quickly dial in low-end weight and high-end sheen. High and Low frequency circuits each offer four switched frequency points and +/-9dB attenuation.
HF Compressor A new High Frequency Compressor delivers the distinctive sound of high frequency rounding in the analogue domain. A compressor that effects high frequencies only, optimised for smooth and transparent harshness reduction and a tape-like high-frequency roll off – great for taming brittle high frequency fizz.
Stereo Image A new Stereo Image enhancer provides a true analogue Mid-Side circuit that manipulates the Side signal, allowing for widening and spatial manipulation of the stereo field.
Transformer A switched, custom-designed SSL Transformer circuit introduces subtle low-frequency saturation, alongside a high-frequency phase-shift. The result is a simultaneous thickening of the low-end and an added sparkle to the high-end.
Expertly designed for today’s hybrid studio SSL has also always been known for clever connectivity and features that streamline and accelerate production workflow. Fusion fits right in with a collection of workflow enhancing features including: +/-12dB Input and Output Trim controls, an Input overload LED, large peak-hold metering, a front-end 3rd order High Pass Filter with three selectable cut off frequencies, and tri-colour status indicators for the Vintage Drive and HF Comp sections. A set of XLR connections can be used either as a Stereo Insert for stereo mix bus processing or switched to function as a Mid-Side (MS) circuit enabling separate compressors or EQ to be applied to the middle (centre) and sides of a stereo signal. In Stereo Insert mode the insert point can be switched to pre-Violet EQ, when in MS mode the insert can be switched to pre-Stereo Image controls. Input and Output connections are via XLR.
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The SSL SiX Channel is a single-width 500 Series mini channel strip using the SuperAnalogue channel processing features from SSL’s SiX console including the Mic-pre, low and high frequency EQ, as well as the single knob compressor.
Testen Sie den SSL SiX CH Channel Strip unverbindlich für zwei Wochen im eigenen Studio. Nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf!
As with ELI’s other signal processors, the Lil FrEQ Equalizer takes a somewhat unique approach to its job. Instead of daisy chaining several equalizers and frequency processors, we combined most of the sound sculpting tools an engineer needs into a compact single rack space box, while still offering the highest performance of any design in its class.
Programm-Equalizer mit fest vorgegebenen Einsatzfrequenzen für HF- und LF-Boost und Absenkung. Seine einfache Bedienung und seine ausgewogener Analogsound machen ihn zu einem begehrten Klangwerkzeug, um brillante Details des Audiomaterials herauszuarbeiten.
The SSL 500 Series ULTRAVIOLET Stereo Equaliser takes the acclaimed min¬imum phase-shift EQ section from Fusion and puts it into the 500 Series format. The ULTRAVIOLET EQ takes things a little further than Fusion by adding two dedicated mid-bands, with a unique Focus control, for ultimate EQ flexibility.
Der Warm Audio BUS-COMP ist ein rein analoger, 2-kanaliger Stereo-VCA-Kompressor, der auf einer klassischen Schaltung basiert, die seit Jahrzehnten für einen seidig weichen Klang sorgt. Stereo-VCA-Kompressoren sind meisterhaft in der Steuerung der Dynamik vieler Quellen, aber sie sind weithin bekannt für ihren „Magic Touch“ auf Stereo-Mixen.
Der Tube-Tech ME 1B ist ein passiver, auf Röhrentechnik basierender Mittenband-Equalizer. Mit einfachster Bedienung und hervorragendem, kompromisslosen Klang konzentriert er sich auf den Bereich, auf den es ankommt. Der passiven Filtersektion ist ein röhrenbasierter Push-Pull-Verstärker nachgeschaltet, der dem Audiomaterial seinen unverwechselbaren Sound verleiht.
The product that started it all for Empirical Labs. Born of founder Dave Derr’s love of classic compressors like the 1176, LA-2A and Gain Brain (among others), the Distressor incorporates his favorite sonic characteristics of these, along with other unique and interesting features that have made it a staple for audio engineers all over the world. With over 28,000 units in the field, it’s safe to say that the Distressor is one of the best selling high end compressors of all time… if not THE best selling. A prominent recording engineer recently wagered that there probably was not a top 40 record made in the last five years that didn’t have at least one Distressor on it.
Demo Gerät vorhanden, melde dich bei uns um den Mammut bei dir im Studio ausführlich zu testen!
Bass frequencies are becoming more and more important in music, and the Mammut was born out of the need to have a device that focuses these frequencies. This low end shaper is packed with a variety of tools to tame, glue and enhance the content of the spectrum up to 200Hz. Its capabilities are unprecedented and it has never been easier and faster to sculpt your low end.
Der SMC 2B ist ein Stereo Multiband-Kompressor mit drei Bändern, der vollständig auf Röhrentechnologie basiert. Er ist das perfekte Werkzeug für die Summen-Bearbeitung oder Mastering Anwendungen und bietet eine Vielzahl von klanglichen Eingriffsmöglichkeiten. Der SMC 2B verleiht dem Mix analoge Wärme, ohne dass klangliche Transparenz und Detailtiefe verloren gehen.Die Mastering-Version des SMC 2B verfügt über besonders edle Rasterpotis (31-fach) für Threshold, Ratio, Attack und Release in allen drei Frequenzbändern. Die Gain-Regler sind als Schalter mit 12 Positionen ausgelegt (1dB-Schritte).
Der Tube-Tech CL 2A Dual Kompressor bietet zwei unabhängige Opto-Kompressoren, die natürlich auch Stereo betrieben werden können. Er eignet sich ausgezeichnet für feinfühlige Vocal-Aufnahmen oder satte Bässe und verdichtet das Audiomaterial auf sehr musikalische Weise.
Der Tube-Tech CL 1B Kompressor ist ein vollständig auf Röhrentechnik basierender Optokompressor, der für Single-Track-Studioaufnahmen ausgelegt ist. Er ist, wie auch der CL 2A, hervorragend geeignet zur Komprimierung von Gesangsstimmen u.ä. und veredelt die Audiosignale mit seinem seidig weichen Röhrenklang.
BiG SiX is a studio grade mixing console that combines features from legendary large-format SSL consoles with full USB integration, additional processing and extremely flexible routing to deliver the quality, features and workflow audio professionals have come to rely on from SSL.
Demogerät zum Sonderpreis, 6 Monate Garantie, inkl. OVP!
Unser aktiver Equalizer, der MythEQ 500, wird deine Meinung über Equalizer ändern. Durch den Einsatz modernster Folienkondensatoren liefert der MythEQ 500 unglaublich präzise Boosts und Cuts, mit einem kristallklaren Soundbild und dem bereits gewohnt hochwertigen Tegeler-Sound.