The Sampling Modulator is a multi-function module that lies somewhere between a VCO, a Sample & Hold, and an 8 step trigger sequencer.
Sequencer Clocked Sample & Hold
In this mode it acts like a regular Sample and Hold (S&H) but since it is “sequencer clocked”, it is capable of much more interesting patterns than the usual S&H melodies.
The CLOCK input can work in two ways:
1. As a typical clock
2. In “positive going hard sync” mode allowing you to create shuffling and polyrythmic effects.
The HOLD input can be used to keep certain notes playing.
Analog Down-Sampling Effect
In this mode (with the clock running at audio rates) you can go from nasty and harsh sampling rate reduction to an almost clean signal. (The clock run up to 25Khz without external CV and up to 200Khz with CV on the input).
Sampling Modulator/Shaper
Thanks to the V/Oct clock, by feeding a simple waveshape such as a sine wave to IN, and pitch CV to the VCO as well as to the Sampling Modulator CV input, their related frequencies and aliasing caused by the sampling rate reduction are capable of creating clangorous metallic sounds, 8 bit textures and much more.
The game becomes much more interesting when you try to destroy the wave by flipping on and off the switches of the sequencer (which at times can make it sound like three VCOs running in unison).
To understand how the Sampling Modulator works, keep in mind that we are working with a temperature compensated ramp core VCO with more than 4 octaves of tracking. This allows the timbre to stay the same while you move through the scale as the internal and external VCOs are synced in a fashion similar to “frequency related sampling rate modulation”
Unusual V/oct VCO
You can use the trigger outputs as a pulse VCO. Flipping the switches on and off the switches can offer a lot of interesting timbral changes.
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The STO music synthesizer module is a compact Voltage Controlled Oscillator designed for generating SINE waves, Variable wave-SHAPEs, SUB-Octaves, Oscillator SYNC and Linear FM in the analog domain. The Sub-Timbral Oscillator is the more subtle and melodic friend to the DPO's complex harmonic lattice.
Created by Erica Synths & Richie Hawtin, Bullfrog is an educational electronic music instrument designed to captivate and inspire both youth and professionals alike. Bullfrog invites you to unlock musicality while combining the thrill of electronic music production with a comprehensive learning experience.
Mojave is a granular sandstorm. Drawing its inspiration from vast swaths of desert in the American Southwest, Mojave is a live granular processor that uses microscopic bits of audio to create beautifully crafted sonic landscapes.
Sofia is a fully analog voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) based on an original waveforming principle. It features a modern, well-calibrated, temperature compensated triangle core and two elaborate waveshaping and modulating sections. The sound is a mixture of a warm, saturated base tone and two ripple components. Besides its main output, Sofia offers access to individual components of the sound plus a multitude of modulation inputs allowing for extensive self-patching and animation of the waveform. To better understand the device, we strongly advise the user to read through the entire manual before using the module.
Was auf den ersten Blick wie ein normaler Analosgsequencer aussieht ist in Wahrheit ein unglaublich flexibler Spannungsgenerator. Sequenzen kann er natürlich auch, aber genauso lässt sich der Voltage Multistage als VC-LFO, grafischer Oszillator, als AD- AR-, ADSR- und sogar als Multistage-Hüllkurve benutzen. Das Modul braucht wegen seiner Komplexität sicher ein wenig Einarbeitungszeit, die sich aber lohnt. Sehr spannend.
Odessa is an additive oscillator, which means the output signal is synthesized by adding a multitude of sinusoidal components (up to 2560 harmonic partials).
Ein programmierbarer universeller CV-Generator, dessen Grundfunktionalität aus den unglaublich starken (aber auf einem zweizeiligen Display unbedienbaren) Funktionsgeneratoren des E-mu Morpheus stammt. Jetzt wurden sie zu einer überaus flexiblen Modulationsquelle erweitert, die aufwendige One-Shot-Kurven, sich kontinuierlich entwickelnde zyklische Muster von beliebiger Länge und Komplexität umfasst.
Data Bender is a circuit bent digital audio buffer. It is inspired by the ways in which audio equipment can fail. The sounds of skipping CDs, software bugs, and defective tape machine playback are all accessible. The 96kHz, 24-bit audio buffer can hold over a minute of stereo audio, providing a sonic canvas capable of infinite surprises and discovery.
The Bruxa music synthesizer module is an audio alchemical experiment. Spill your sound into time, and let it decay through the filters to hear the results.
The Atlx expander provides 16 additional jacks to the Atlantix, including: dedicated waveform outputs for A and B oscillators, filter outputs, and a ring modulator. Atlx adds many new possibilities for self-patching, advanced routing and connections to other modules.
Das legendäre Buchla 258-Modul im Eurorack-Format.