Zwei getrennte Slew Limiter zum Generieren von Portamento-Effekten. Sprunghafte Änderungen eines Signals können so "geglättet" werden. Der obere Slew Limiter verfügt über einen gemeinsamen Regler, der obere besitzt getrennte Regler zur Einstellung der Anstiegs- und Abfallzeit.
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Gliss is a 4 HP Eurorack module using a recordable touch sensor to introduce gestural control into modular systems.
Dem Integra Solum reicht ein simples Taktsignal, um wilde, aber trotzdem gut tanzbare Rhythmen zu produzieren.
Zadar is a powerful, four-channel envelope, modulation, and transient generator, in a compact yet very complete, feature-rich package.
Erica Synths Black LPG is our take on Lowpass Gate idea – it’s designed from scratch featuring 2nd order lowpass VCF (the original Buchla lowpass gate was 1st order VCF) and VCA combo with distinct resonance circuit on top.
Modulation is the core concept of modular synthesis: parameters changing over time, adding movement and musical interest to what would otherwise be merely static sounds. Being able to control the amplitude of signals throughout a patch is therefore essential, and one can never have too many voltage controlled amplifiers (VCAs).
Designed as a fully-featured modulation hub for Eurorack synthesisers, Morph 4 takes the basic concept of the multi-VCA module to the next level.
Das Grand Terminal ist ein digitales Mehrzweck-Modul für ambitionierte Sounddesigner.
Erica Synths Black Joystick2 is 4 channel (2 axis on each channel) multi functional CV and sound source – joystick, movement recorder, distinct LFO and drone/noise oscillator. It provides great interaction with the modular system and allows to develop unconventional modulation patterns easily.
Koszalin is a full stereo frequency shifter with two inputs and four outputs. If offers simultaneous exponential and linear through-zero control of the amount of frequency shift in 3 carefully scaled ranges (up to +/- 5kHz).
Compare 2 besteht aus zwei Fensterkomparatoren, die eingehende Spannungen mit flexibel verschiebbaren Minimal- und Maximalwerten vergleichen.
For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-frequency or audio oscillator and much more.
Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this classic circuit. It delivers much improved performance and control by incorporating modern design techniques.
Katowice is a stereo variable–band isolator that allows the user to manipulate a selected range of frequencies. It is the first module in a series of upcoming Xaoc Devices products designed specifically for processing stereo signals.
The Fusion VCA/Waveshaper/Ringmodulator is a complex sound processor that combines VCA, waveshaper and ringmodulator.