Our new Output Module is designed to be the master output for your modular system, providing an extra Cue Input to monitor any signal.
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Erica Synths Techno System is the ultimate tool for rhythm based music production, live performances and sound design. The drum modules are internally patched to the sequencer, so they receive trigger and accent signals even without patching relevant patch cables therefore allowing you to fully focus on the audio signal patching. With a bit of imagination you’ll find that it’s not limited to specific music genres — it just depends on your creativity in patching and settings of modules. The potential is unlimited!
Pivot 2 offers a unique solution: a compact, fully voltage controlled variable signal router. At the turn of a single knob, any signal can be routed through two external modules in series, parallel or reverse series, as well as any combination in between.
Katowice is a stereo variable–band isolator that allows the user to manipulate a selected range of frequencies. It is the first module in a series of upcoming Xaoc Devices products designed specifically for processing stereo signals.
Eurorack is a synthesist’s toy chest. Stompboxes are a guitarist’s toy chest. Each industry offers a seemingly infinite variety of products that enable musicians to build systems unique to their needs and to create a signature sound. Each is also somewhat addictive. Rare is the musician who doesn’t eventually need a larger toy chest to house the accumulated toys.
Test 3 is a purpose-designed tool for measuring voltages and currents in your Eurorack system. This means that just a single circuit board or module can now replace a convoluted test setup with multiple multimeters, custom cables etc.
Das wirklich einzigartige Shuttle Control ist in erster Linie ein frei konfigurierbarer Wandler von USB-MIDI zu CV/Gate/Clock mit 16 Ausgängen. Über zwei USB-Anschlüsse kann man z.B. USB-Keyboards anschließen und (jetzt folgt der Knaller) über den "to device"-Anschluss direkt einTablet mit Controllersoftware, das nicht mal MIDI-fähig sein muß... oder einen PC/Mac!
Das ist die WMD Synchrodyne Expand, mit der WMD ein bisschen verrückt geworden ist. Aber sie dachten sich, wenn man das Original versteht, will man immer tiefer gehen. Dafür ist der Expand konzipiert.
Das Buffered Multiple ist ein gepuffertes Multiple, d.h. beim Teilen von Signalen gibt es keine Pegelverluste.
AC/DC is a class-compliant DC coupled audio interface in Eurorack format. With its 6 HP it is perfect for live performance and travel Rigs.
The Ch.Svr music synthesizer module is a small utility module, offering several channels of signal-processing that will be useful in just about any modular system. As a condensation/extension of the sum/offset/attenuversion aspects of MATHS, it continues the great tradition of sculpting the control signals we use to sculpt our sound signals.
Poczdam is a binary data routing solution for the Xaoc Leibniz Subsystem. It facilitates manual and remote switching between two Leibniz data sources, modifying individual bits of the data stream, and re-clocking the data with its onboard voltage–controlled wideband oscillator or any external clock signal. Poczdam is particularly useful within complex Leibniz setups where the user needs to reconfigure the data flow between multiple modules. However, it can also be employed in small creative patches, e.g., for waveform splicing, disrupting rhythmic loops, or generating digital chaos.
Das legendäre Buchla 245-Modul im Eurorack-Format.