Intellijel Polaris
Liquid, buttery filtering with refinement. The Polaris offers a massive 27 filter options over five categories. With a simple UI, three additional dedicated outs, overdrive and distortion circuits, you'll find your sound.
Some of you have been along for the journey, and some are just joining in. This is the third generation of the much loved Korgasmatron filter designed in collaboration with David G. Dixon. Once we experienced the purity and range of its finely re-tuned filters; the warmth of its soft-clipping; the beefiness of its Q-drive; the howl of its all new overdrive circuit, we knew it was something more than the Korgasmatrons before it.
Some of you have been along for the journey, and some are just joining in. This is the third generation of the much loved Korgasmatron filter designed in collaboration with David G. Dixon. Once we experienced the purity and range of its finely re-tuned filters; the warmth of its soft-clipping; the beefiness of its Q-drive; the howl of its all new overdrive circuit, we knew it was something more than the Korgasmatrons before it.
Unfiltered Possibilities
This is the third generation of Intellijel’s much loved Korgasmatron filter designed in collaboration with David G. Dixon. For obvious reasons, we considered naming it the Korgasmatron III. But once we experienced the purity and range of its finely re-tuned filters; the warmth of its soft-clipping; the beefiness of its Q-DRIVE; the aggressive howl of its all new overdrive circuit; the additional XFADE options; and its clangorous new ring modulation capabilities, we knew it was something much more than a Korgasmatron III. It was a MORgasmatron!
The Morgasmatron features two completely independent six-mode filters (labeled “A” and “B”) — each with its own mode-select knob, input, output, cutoff, resonance, Q-drive and gain control. Each filter has a pair of CV inputs (one with a built-in attenuator and the other with a built-in attenuverter) for modulating cutoff, and another CV input for modulating resonance. Both filters self-oscillate at maximum Q, and produce pitched sine waves that track the two separate 1V/OCT inputs.
You can use the two filters independently of one another, or you can use them together (in either a series or parallel connection) and smoothly crossfade between them using either the XFADE knob or the XFADE CV input and built-in attenuverter. You can flip the DRY switches to instantly bypass either or both filters; invert the phase of Filter B; or overdrive Filter A by switching on the new Overdrive circuit. A MIX output provides (as you might suspect) a mixed output of the two filters.
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Liquid, buttery filtering with refinement. The Polaris offers a massive 27 filter options over five categories. With a simple UI, three additional dedicated outs, overdrive and distortion circuits, you'll find your sound.
Following in the tradition of Evolution and Morpheus, LINNAEUS represents yet another Dave Rossum innovation in filter technology.
A-105-4 ist unser erstes polyphones Filtermodul und in erster Linie für polyphone Anwendungen gedacht. Das Modul beinhaltet vier 24dB-Tiefpassfilter vom Typ SSM2044/SSI2144 mit gemeinsamen, manuellen Bedienelementen und Steuerspannungseingängen für alle Parameter.
Das Z2040 ist das diskret nachgebaute Tiefpassfilter des Prophet 5 mit ein paar extra Features wie spannunssteuerbarem Gain und Resonanz. Der Gainregler erlaubt das Übersteuern des Filters.
A combination of VCF + VCA + Mixer that lets you mix three different sound sources, and shape their tone, and levels in a breeze. The Pony Filter is built around the SSI2144 FATKEYS™ Chip. Has the elegant sound of the classic transistor filter without the associated distortions, due to Dave Rossum’s “improved ladder” topology.
Das ist die WMD Synchrodyne Expand, mit der WMD ein bisschen verrückt geworden ist. Aber sie dachten sich, wenn man das Original versteht, will man immer tiefer gehen. Dafür ist der Expand konzipiert.
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1973 - Dave Rossum nimmt den Filterkern der Moog'schen Kaskade in Angriff, überarbeitet den Rest und basiert darauf sein 2100-Tiefpassfilter für das E-Mu Modularsystem.
2015 - findet die Evolution des 2100, Daves Lieblingsfilter, statt und das Ergebnis ist just dieses Euro-Modul, das EVOLUTION.
Erica Synths Black LPG is our take on Lowpass Gate idea – it’s designed from scratch featuring 2nd order lowpass VCF (the original Buchla lowpass gate was 1st order VCF) and VCA combo with distinct resonance circuit on top.